首页 > 解决方案 > FlowDocument 的网格替代方案?


根据我的阅读,不能在 FlowDocument 中使用 Grid。

 <TextBlock Margin="0 10" FontFamily="Ubuntu"  FontSize="19" FontWeight="DemiBold" Text="Account details"></TextBlock>
 <Separator  Width="600"></Separator>
 <StackPanel Margin="0 10" Orientation="Horizontal">

       <TextBlock Margin="0 0 30 0"  Text="Account ID"></TextBlock>
       <TextBlock Margin="0 0 30 0" Text="Username"></TextBlock>
       <TextBlock Margin="0 0 30 0"  Text="Password"></TextBlock>
       <TextBlock Margin="0 0 30 0"  Text="Creation date"></TextBlock>

 <Separator  Width="600"></Separator>
  <StackPanel Margin="0 10" Orientation="Horizontal">

    <TextBlock  Width="102" Margin="0 0 30 0"  ></TextBlock>
    <TextBlock  Width="Auto" Margin="0 0 30 0" ></TextBlock>
    <TextBlock   Width="Auto" Margin="0 0 30 0"  ></TextBlock>
    <TextBlock   Width="91" Margin="0 0 30 0"  ></TextBlock>





现在的问题是,如果我填写Textblock's第二个 StackPanel,如果它们很长,它们将不会显示所有文本,这是预期的,因为我已经为它们设置了特定的宽度。如果我将其设置为Auto它将显示,但每个内容都Textblock不会与列对齐,并且会更混乱。


标签: c#wpf




      This table has 3 columns, each described by a TableColumn 
      element nested in a Table.Columns collection element. 
      <TableColumn />
      <TableColumn />
      <TableColumn />
      This table includes a single TableRowGroup which hosts 2 rows,
      each described by a TableRow element.
        Each of the 2 TableRow elements hosts 3 cells, described by
        TableCell elements.
            TableCell elements may only host elements derived from Block.
            In this example, Paragaph elements serve as the ultimate content
            containers for the cells in this table.
          <Paragraph>Cell at Row 1 Column 1</Paragraph>
          <Paragraph>Cell at Row 1 Column 2</Paragraph>
          <Paragraph>Cell at Row 1 Column 3</Paragraph>
          <Paragraph>Cell at Row 2 Column 1</Paragraph>
          <Paragraph>Cell at Row 2 Column 2</Paragraph>
          <Paragraph>Cell at Row 2 Column 3</Paragraph>

