首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 TypeScript 正确扩展样式化组件


根据 styled-components v4,.extend已弃用,扩展或组合组件的正确方法是:

const ButtonA = styled('button')`color: ${props => props.color};`
const ButtonB = styled(ButtonA)`background: 'white';`

但是我找不到使用 TS 执行此操作的正确方法,因为我遇到了一些错误,例如:

import styled from "styled-components";

// Let's create ButtonA
type ButtonAProps = { a: string };
const ButtonA = styled<ButtonAProps, "button">("button")`
  color: ${props => props.a};

// So, here is what I've tried

// Fail #1
// =======
type ButtonBProps = { b: string };
const ButtonB = styled<ButtonBProps, ButtonAProps>(ButtonA)`
  background: ${props => props.b};
`; // Here I get autocompletion only for B props :(
const Test = () => <ButtonB a="something" />; // And here I get autocompletion only for A props :(

// Fail #2
// =======
type ButtonBProps = { b: string } & ButtonAProps;
const ButtonB = styled<ButtonBProps, ButtonAProps>(ButtonA)`
  background: ${props => props.b};
`; //  Here I get autocompletion for A & B props, good!
const Test = () => <ButtonB a="something" />; // Here I still get autocompletion only for A props :(

// Fail #3
// =======
type ButtonBProps = { b: string } & ButtonAProps;
const ButtonB = styled<ButtonBProps, ButtonBProps>(ButtonA)` // Property 'b' is missing in type 'ButtonAProps', of course
  background: ${props => props.b};
`; //  Here I get "props has implicitly any type"
const Test = () => <ButtonB />; // Here I don't get any type checking at all



标签: reactjstypescriptstyled-components


截至 2019 年 9 月,以下代码也有效:

// First extend ButtonAProps with an additional prop
interface ButtonBProps extends ButtonAProps {

// ButtonB Component
const ButtonB = styled(ButtonA)<ButtonBProps>`
  background: ${props => props.b};
