首页 > 解决方案 > 模拟 CodeAccessSecurityAttribute 的自定义实现



public class IsAuthorizedAttribute : CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
    private static readonly PrincipalPermission Allowed = new PrincipalPermission(PermissionState.None);
    private static readonly PrincipalPermission NotAllowed = new PrincipalPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted);

    public string EntityObject { get; set; }
    public string Field { get; set; }
    public char Expected { get; set; }

    public IsAuthorizedAttribute(SecurityAction action)
            : base(action)

    public override IPermission CreatePermission()
        return IsAuthorised(EntityObject, Field, Expected, ServicesConfiguration) ? Allowed : NotAllowed;

    private static bool IsAuthorised(string entityObject, string field, char expected, ServicesConfiguration servicesConfiguration)
        bool? response = null;
        //check external stuff
        return response ?? false;


[IsAuthorized(SecurityAction.Demand, EntityObject = Fields.UserManagement, Field = Fields.AllowDisplay, Expected = '1')]
public List<Group> GetUserGroups()
    var response = new List<Group>();

    //Get the groups from the database
    var groups = groupManager.FindAll();

    //Map them to the output group type
    response = groups.Select(x => new Group()
        ID = x.ID,
        Name = x.Name,
        Alias = x.Alias,
        Description = x.Description

    return response;


我正在使用 Moq 和Smocks


public void GetUserGroups_UserGroupsFound_UserGroupsReturned()
    Smock.Run(context =>

                    .Setup(x => x.FindAllFromCache())
                    .Returns(new List<Concept.Security.MasterData.Domain.Group>()
                        new Concept.Security.MasterData.Domain.Group()
                            Name = "MyUserGroup",
                            Alias = "My User Group",
                            Description = "My user group description",
                            System = false,
                            Authorizations = "000001111100000000"
                        new Concept.Security.MasterData.Domain.Group()
                            Name = "MySecondUserGroup",
                            Alias = "My Second User Group",
                            Description = "My second user group description",
                            System = false,
                            Authorizations = "000000000000000000"

        var identityService = new UserManagementService(m_Container, m_UserAuthorizationManager.Object, m_IdentityService.Object);

        //** begin add mocked attribute **//
        //** end add mocked attribute **//

        var response = identityService.GetUserGroups();

        Assert.AreEqual(2, response.Count);
        Assert.AreEqual(1, response.Where(x => x.Alias == "MyUserGroup").Count());
        Assert.AreEqual(1, response.Where(x => x.Alias == "MySecondUserGroup").Count());
        Assert.AreEqual(2, response.Where(x => x.Authorizations == null).Count());



//** begin add mocked attribute **//
var identityService = new UserManagementService(m_Container, m_UserAuthorizationManager.Object, m_IdentityService.Object);

var IsAuthorizedAttribute = new Mock<IsAuthorizedAttribute>(MockBehavior.Strict, new object[] { SecurityAction.Demand });
IsAuthorizedAttribute.Setup(x => x.CreatePermission()).Returns(new PrincipalPermission(PermissionState.None));
TypeDescriptor.AddAttributes(identityService, IsAuthorizedAttribute.Object);
//** end add mocked attribute **//

但是这个调用了我设置外部源的属性的构造函数。当我将此构造函数放入 try/catch 并以静默方式处理异常时,我在IsAuthorizedAttribute.Object找不到对象时出现错误。


标签: c#unit-testingmoq




public class IsAuthorizedAttribute : CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
    // set true in the test initialization
    private static bool s_byPass;

    public IsAuthorizedAttribute(SecurityAction action) : base(action)
        if (!s_byPass)
           // setup

    private static bool IsAuthorised(string entityObject, string field, char expected, ServicesConfiguration servicesConfiguration)
        if (s_byPass) { return true; }

        //check external stuff


public class IsAuthorizedAttribute : CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
    // set mock here in the test initialization.
    // I assume external accessor can be a static field.
    private static ExternalAccessor m_accessor = new ExternalAccessor();

    private static bool IsAuthorised(string entityObject, string field, char expected, ServicesConfiguration servicesConfiguration)
        return m_accessor.Check();

public class ExternalAccessor
    private bool m_initialized;

    private void Setup()
        // setup
        m_initialized = true;

    public virtual bool Check()
        // You can call setup anytime but the constructor.
        if (!m_initialized) { Setup(); }

        // check external stuff
