首页 > 解决方案 > 如何获取仅按一列分组的小计



LOCATION         CODE       COMPANY            PRICE
---------        ----       -------       ----------
Sydney       |    A    |    ACME     |          1200
Brisbane     |    C    |    WONKA    |          3000
Melbourne    |    B    |    ACME     |           500
Sydney       |    A    |    ACME     |           100
Brisbane     |    A    |    WONKA    |          1000
Melbourne    |    C    |    ACME     |          7000
Sydney       |    A    |    ACME     |           800
Brisbane     |    B    |    WONKA    |           900
Melbourne    |    C    |    WONKA    |           200
Sydney       |    C    |    ACME     |           400
Brisbane     |    B    |    ACME     |          1200
Melbourne    |    D    |    WONKA    |           600
Sydney       |    A    |    ACME     |          3000
Brisbane     |    A    |    WONKA    |           400
Melbourne    |    C    |    WONKA    |          1400
Sydney       |    A    |    ACME     |          1600
Brisbane     |    A    |    WONKA    |           700
Melbourne    |    A    |    ACME     |           800


LOCATION         CODE       COMPANY         SUM(PRICE)
---------        ----       -----           ----------
Brisbane     |    A    |    WONKA    |          2100
Brisbane     |    B    |    ACME     |          1200
Brisbane     |    B    |    WONKA    |           900
Brisbane     |    C    |    WONKA    |          3000
Brisbane     |         |             |          7200 
Melbourne    |    A    |    ACME     |           800
Melbourne    |    B    |    ACME     |           500
Melbourne    |    C    |    ACME     |          7000
Melbourne    |    C    |    WONKA    |          1600
Melbourne    |    D    |    WONKA    |           600
Melbourne    |         |             |         10500
Sydney       |    A    |    ACME     |          6700
Sydney       |    C    |    ACME     |           400
Sydney       |         |             |          7100



with sample_tab as
select 'Sydney' location,'A' code, 'ACME' company, 1200 price from dual
union all
select 'Brisbane' location,'C' code, 'WONKA' company, 3000 price from dual
union all
select 'Melbourne' location,'B' code, 'ACME' company, 500 price from dual
union all
select 'Sydney' location,'A' code, 'ACME' company, 100 price from dual
union all
select 'Brisbane' location,'A' code, 'WONKA' company, 1000 price from dual
union all
select 'Melbourne' location,'C' code, 'ACME' company, 7000 price from dual
union all
select 'Sydney' location,'A' code, 'ACME' company, 800 price from dual
union all
select 'Brisbane' location,'B' code, 'WONKA' company, 900 price from dual
union all
select 'Melbourne' location,'C' code, 'WONKA' company, 200 price from dual
union all
select 'Sydney' location,'C' code, 'ACME' company, 400 price from dual
union all
select 'Brisbane' location,'B' code, 'ACME' company, 1200 price from dual
union all
select 'Melbourne' location,'D' code, 'WONKA' company, 600 price from dual
union all
select 'Sydney' location,'A' code, 'ACME' company, 3000 price from dual
union all
select 'Brisbane' location,'A' code, 'WONKA' company, 400 price from dual
union all
select 'Melbourne' location,'C' code, 'WONKA' company, 1400 price from dual
union all
select 'Sydney' location,'A' code, 'ACME' company, 1600 price from dual
union all
select 'Brisbane' location,'A' code, 'WONKA' company, 700 price from dual
union all
select 'Melbourne' location,'A' code, 'ACME' company, 800 price from dual
select location,code,company,sum(price)
from sample_tab
group by location,code,company
order by location;


标签: sqloracleplsql


因此,您需要所谓的“汇总总计”——但仅限于一列。那是部分汇总。此外,您需要每对(代码、公司)的总数,而不是每个单独代码或单独公司的总数。这在 Oraclerollup语法中是可能的,从技术上讲,它是一个“复合列”(除了汇总所需的括号外,语法是将对括在自己的括号内)。用单括号替换关键字后的双rollup括号并比较结果 - 这不是您想要的。


select   location,code,company,sum(price)
from     sample_tab
group by location,rollup((code,company))   -- partial rollup on composite column
order by location,code,company;            -- add code and company to order by
