首页 > 解决方案 > 如何为以下任务创建 json 文件?


嗨亲爱的开发人员我希望你们都做得很好我正在尝试在https://www.mocky.io/的帮助下使用以下要求创建 JSON 文件,但我自己从来没有这样做过。我被困住了。我主要使用现成的 JSON API 任何帮助将不胜感激。

一个。概述、教育、工作、技能、联系方式。一世。概述 - 应包含您的图片和介绍。ii. 教育 - 应将您的教育背景作为列表包含必要的详细信息,如持续时间、机构等。 iii. 工作 - 应包含您的工作经验以及必要的详细信息,例如雇主、持续时间等。技能——应包含您的专业领域和其他相关技能。v. 联系方式——应包含您的联系信息和联系方式。3. 您的“概览”应作为来自模拟 API(如 https://www.mocky.io/ )的动态 JSON 内容提供 4. 所有其他数据应作为来自应用程序中包含的 json 的模拟数据提供


    "Introduction": [

            "image": "https://www.google.se/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwic0_Cw6Z7eAhXEjiwKHXA8AMkQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.truelancer.com%2Ffreelancer%2Fyodgorbekkomilov&psig=AOvVaw3mvKiQhQ9gtIiyB0sX4cSQ&ust=1540461755427608",
            "introduction": "Freelance Android Developer who loves to create Android apps and Google Android Developer scholarship recipient.",


    "Education": [

            "duration": "2012-2014",
            "institution": "Riga Technical University Latvia, Riga",
            "degree": "Bachelor Degree in Computer Science",


    "Work": [

            "company": "Udacity",
            "duration": " Jun 2018 - Present ",
            "responsibility": "Android Project Reviewer",


            "company": "Mobi Verse",
            "duration": " Jan 2018 - Present",
            "responsibility": "Developing Android apps for US market",


            "company": "Freelancer",
            "duration": " Jan 2017 - Present",
            "responsibility": "Developing  eCommerce  and different various android apps",


            "company": "Softwerk AB",
            "duration": " December 2016 - May 2017",
            "responsibility": " Maintaining existing Android apps",


    "Skills": [

            "Programming": "Java, C Sharp, Kotlin, Swift",
            "Framework/Libraries": "Android, IOS",
            "Android Architecture Components": "Live Data, ViewModel, Room",
            "Software Methodologies": "Agile, Scrum, Waterfall",
            "IDE'S": "Eclipse, Android Studio, Xcode",

    "Contact": [

            "Linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/edgar-sweden/",
            "gmail": "kyodgorbek@gmail.com",
            "phone number": "+46760981871",




标签: jsonrest

