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我制作了一个 python 脚本,目标是在圆形板上平衡弹珠。大理石 1 重 1 个单位,2 重 2 个单位,依此类推。目标是找到最佳顺序,使其尽可能平衡。


我还提出了一种尝试所有可能性的方法。如果我尝试使用超过 10 个弹珠(3628800 个可能性),则会出现内存错误。


CODE # balance_game.py # 一个用于平衡棋盘上弹珠技巧的程序

from itertools import permutations
from math import cos, radians, pow, sin, sqrt
from time import time

# Checks if marbles will balance on a circular board
# Marble 1 weighs 1 unit, 2 weighs 2 units, and so on
def test_your_might(NUMBER_OF_MARBLES, marbles):
    angle = 360 / NUMBER_OF_MARBLES
    angles = [angle * n for n in range(1, NUMBER_OF_MARBLES + 1)]

    X = []
    Y = []
    Fx = []
    Fy = []

    i = 0
    for n in range(0, NUMBER_OF_MARBLES):
        angle = radians(angles[i])
        i += 1

    for n in range(0, NUMBER_OF_MARBLES):
        Fx.append(X[n] * marbles[n])

    for n in range(0, NUMBER_OF_MARBLES):
        Fy.append(Y[n] * marbles[n])

    return sqrt(pow(sum(Fx), 2) + pow(sum(Fy), 2))

def brute_force_solution(NUMBER_OF_MARBLES):
    possibilities = permutations([x for x in range(1, NUMBER_OF_MARBLES + 1)])
    solutions = {}
    for possibility in possibilities:
        possibility = list(possibility)
        solution = test_your_might(NUMBER_OF_MARBLES, possibility)
        solutions[str(possibility)] = solution
    return solutions

# print(test_your_might(5, [5, 1, 4, 3, 2]))
t0 = time()
solutions = brute_force_solution(10)
t1 = time()

best_order = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)
lowest_score = solutions[best_order]

print(f"Lowest score: {lowest_score}\nOrder: {best_order}")
print(f"It took {t1-t0} seconds to find the best possibility")
print(f"There were {len(solutions)} possibilities")

仅供参考,该方法是 brute_force_solution

标签: python-3.xoptimizationpython-multiprocessingpython-multithreadingbrute-force


由于瓶颈是 CPU 使用率,多线程在这里不会有太大帮助,但多处理应该。不是专家,但最近一直在尝试并行性,所以如果我得到任何地方,我会尝试并更新这个答案。(编辑:我已经尝试了多次使用多处理的尝试,但我只成功地增加了运行时间!)


def brute_force_solution(NUMBER_OF_MARBLES):
    possibilities = permutations([x for x in range(1, NUMBER_OF_MARBLES + 1)])
    # count the number of solutions
    number_of_solutions = 0
    best_solution_so_far = None

    for possibility in possibilities:
        number_of_solutions += 1
        possibility = list(possibility)
        solution = test_your_might(NUMBER_OF_MARBLES, possibility)
        # If this solution is the best so far, record the score and configuration of marbles.
        if (best_solution_so_far is None) or (solution < best_solution_so_far[1]):
            best_solution_so_far = (str(possibility), solution)

    # Return the best solution and total number of solutions tested.
    return (best_solution_so_far, number_of_solutions)

t0 = time()
one_solution = brute_force_solution(11)
t1 = time()

best_order = one_solution[0][0]
best_score = one_solution[0][1]
number_of_solutions = one_solution[1]

花了一段时间,但它运行了 11 个弹珠:

>>>Lowest score: 0.00021084993450850984
>>>Order: [10, 7, 3, 4, 11, 1, 8, 9, 5, 2, 6]
>>>It took 445.57227993011475 seconds to find the best possibility
>>>There were 39916800 possibilities

并且在运行 10 次时稍微快一点(请注意,您没有在时间安排中包括对结果的排序,而这种新方法不需要,并且几乎会增加一秒钟的时间来获得最佳解决方案):


Lowest score: 1.608181078507726e-17
Order: [1, 7, 3, 10, 4, 6, 2, 8, 5, 9]
It took 43.81806421279907 seconds to find the best possibility
There were 3628800 possibilities


Lowest score: 1.608181078507726e-17
Order: [1, 7, 3, 10, 4, 6, 2, 8, 5, 9]
It took 37.06034016609192 seconds to find the best possibility
There were 3628800 possibilities
