首页 > 解决方案 > C#试图加快数据库查询


我试图让这段代码更快,它查询一个包含 200,000 多条记录的数据库。

这段代码执行大约需要 10 秒,我正在寻求任何帮助,试图将其修剪下来,看看我哪里出错了。


我试过 MySQL 命令

using (MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(connectionstring))
   MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();
   cmd.Connection = con;
   var daysago = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7);
   cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT job_ref,UniqNo,volumes_env,postout_deadline from jobs where recieved_data >= """ + daysago.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + @""" and lsm_status is null and despatched_time is null";
   var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
   int x = 0;
   while (reader.Read())
      Tester.Add(new SpecialClassTest { job_ref = reader["job_ref"].ToString(), 
                                        UniqNo = reader["UniqNo"].ToString(), 
                                        volumes_env = (int)reader["volumes_env"], 
                                        postout_deadline = (DateTime)reader["postout_deadline"] });
   jobrefss = jobrefss.Distinct().ToList();
   jobrefss = jobrefss.Where(z => !z.ToUpper().Contains("C4") &&
                                  !z.ToUpper().Contains("ARC") &&
                                  !z.ToUpper().Contains("EMAIL") &&
                                  !z.ToUpper().Contains("EBILL") &&
                                  !z.ToUpper().Contains("POD") &&
                                  !z.ToUpper().Contains("GALLAHER") &&
                                  !z.ToUpper().Contains("SCAN") &&
                                  !z.ToUpper().Contains("ARCHIVE") &&
                                  !z.ToUpper().Contains("SHELL") &&
                                  !z.ToUpper().Contains("IRISH") &&
                                  !z.ToUpper().Contains("INTER") &&
                                  !z.ToUpper().Contains("BREAK") &&
                                  !z.ToUpper().Contains("1ST") &&
                                  !z.ToUpper().Contains("HAND") &&
                                  z != "AAH_Monthly_StatColDup_Cut" &&
                                  z != "APH_Inv_Cut" &&
                                  z != "APH_Stat_Cut" &&
                                  z != "BSS_BuckHickConsInv_Cut" &&
                                  z != "BSS_BuckHickInv_Cut" &&
                                  z != "BSS_BuckHickStat_Cut" &&
                                  z != "Marstons_Inv_Cut" &&
                                  z != "RexelGroup_M3Inv_Cut" &&
                                  z != "RexelGroup_M3Stat_Cut" &&
                                  z != "Schneider_Inv_Cut" &&
                                  z != "Schneider_Stats_Cut" &&
                                  z != "XLN_InvC3_ColDup_Cut" &&
                                  z != "XLN_ManualCOPYInvoices_Cut" &&
                                  z != "XLN_ManCOPYInv_ColDup_Cut" &&
                                  z != "AAH_Mon_EntStColDup_Cut_HAN" &&
                                  z != "OBT_Inv_Cut" &&
                                  z != "XLN_InvC7_ColDup_Cut" &&
                                  z != "Marstons_MBCStat_Cut" &&
                                  z != "XLN_GiroC7_ColDup_Cut"


var jobRefs = context.jobs.Where(j => j.LSM_Status == null &&
                                      j.despatched_time == null &&
                                      !j.job_ref.Contains("C4") &&
                                      !j.job_ref.Contains("Arc") &&
                                      !j.job_ref.Contains("Email") &&
                                      !j.job_ref.Contains("Ebill") &&
                                      !j.job_ref.Contains("POD") &&
                                      !j.job_ref.Contains("Gallaher") &&
                                      !j.job_ref.Contains("scan") &&
                                      !j.job_ref.Contains("Archive") &&
                                      !j.job_ref.Contains("shell") &&
                                      !j.job_ref.Contains("irish") &&
                                      !j.job_ref.Contains("inter") &&
                                      !j.job_ref.Contains("break") &&
                                      !j.job_ref.Contains("1st") &&
                                      !j.job_ref.Contains("hand") &&
                                      !j.job_ref.Contains("Hand") &&
                                      j.job_ref != "AAH_Monthly_StatColDup_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "APH_Inv_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "APH_Stat_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "BSS_BuckHickConsInv_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "BSS_BuckHickInv_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "BSS_BuckHickStat_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "Marstons_Inv_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "RexelGroup_M3Inv_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "RexelGroup_M3Stat_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "Schneider_Inv_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "Schneider_Stats_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "XLN_InvC3_ColDup_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "XLN_ManualCOPYInvoices_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "XLN_ManCOPYInv_ColDup_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "AAH_Mon_EntStColDup_Cut_HAN" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "OBT_Inv_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "XLN_InvC7_ColDup_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "Marstons_MBCStat_Cut" &&
                                      j.job_ref != "XLN_GiroC7_ColDup_Cut"
var jobrefss = jobRefs.Select(z => z.job_ref);



var UpdatedRefs = context.customerslas.Where(c => jobrefss.Contains(c.job_ref) &&
                                                  (c.invoiced == 1 || c.invoiced == 2) &&
                                                   c.active == 1)
                                      .Select(c => c.job_ref)

            var FinalRefs = Tester.Where(f => UpdatedRefs.Contains(f.job_ref))
                                  .OrderBy(f => f.job_ref)



通过在第一个 sql 查询中完成大量工作,我设法节省了一些时间。

cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT job_ref,UniqNo,volumes_env,postout_deadline from jobs where recieved_data >= """ + daysago.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + @""" and lsm_status is null and despatched_time is null and job_ref not like '%c4%' and job_ref not like '%Arc%' and job_ref not like '%email%' and job_ref not like '%ebill%' and job_ref not like '%pod%' and job_ref not like '%gallaher%' and job_ref not like '%Scan%' and job_ref not like '%Archive%' and job_ref not like '%shell%' and job_ref not like '%irish%' and job_ref not like '%inter%' and job_ref not like '%break%' and job_ref not like '%1st%' and job_ref not like '%hand%' and job_ref != 'AAH_Monthly_StatColDup_Cut' and job_ref != 'APH_Inv_Cut' and job_ref != 'APH_Stat_Cut' and job_ref != 'BSS_BuckHickConsInv_Cut' and job_ref != 'BSS_BuckHickInv_Cut' and job_ref != 'BSS_BuckHickStat_Cut' and job_ref != 'Marstons_Inv_Cut' and job_ref != 'RexelGroup_M3Inv_Cut' and job_ref != 'RexelGroup_M3Stat_Cut' and job_ref != 'Schneider_Inv_Cut' and job_ref != 'Schneider_Stats_Cut' and job_ref != 'XLN_InvC3_ColDup_Cut' and job_ref != 'XLN_ManualCOPYInvoices_Cut' and job_ref != 'XLN_ManCOPYInv_ColDup_Cut' and job_ref != 'AAH_Mon_EntStColDup_Cut_HAN' and job_ref != 'OBT_Inv_Cut' and job_ref != 'XLN_InvC7_ColDup_Cut' and job_ref != 'Marstons_MBCStat_Cut' and job_ref != 'XLN_GiroC7_ColDup_Cut'";

这个大命令现在只需要一秒钟而不是几个,现在的问题是我的 Linq / Entity 框架部分需要另外 4-5 秒才能运行

var UpdatedRefs = context.customerslas.Where(c => jobrefs2s.Contains(c.job_ref) &&
                                                         (c.invoiced == 1 ||
                                                         c.invoiced == 2) &&
                                                         c.active == 1)
                                                         .Select(c => c.job_ref);

 var FinalRefs = Tester.Where(f => UpdatedRefs.Contains(f.job_ref))
                                               .OrderBy(f => f.job_ref);


标签: c#mysqlentity-framework

