首页 > 解决方案 > Webpack output two builds, one for ES6, one for IE11


I have a webpack configuration of ES5/ES6 modules that works fairly well. Until recently it also ran through TargetsPlugin to generate a IE11-compatible build.

I say "until recently" because while experimenting, I noticed that dropping the babel transpiling to older language specs, we instantly shed 300KB from our bundles. If we turned this on, 90-point-something percent of our users would get a leaner, faster, better experience.

But I'm contractually obliged to support IE11. Can I do that separately?

What I want is a ES6-ish build (what we have) and a companion IE11 build. It's not difficult to target these browsers programmatically when it comes to switching out what version they see... But how do I get webpack to do it?

If it makes any difference, I don't need the IE11 version to have any fancy features. It can be one 1MB amorphous blob, or fully chunked out. However it comes, as long as it works.

标签: javascriptwebpack


好的,事实证明 webpack 可以同时处理多个配置。在通常情况下module.exports = { ... config ... },您实际上可以返回一个配置对象数组。


var realConfig = {

var ie11 = _.cloneDeep(real)
ie11.output.filename = 'js/ie11.[name].js'

  new TargetsPlugin({ browsers: ["IE >= 11"] })

module.exports = [ realConfig, ie11 ]

这给了我所有东西的 IE 兼容版本。在我的模板中,我只是在用户代理中检测到“MSIE”并将其输出。可能不是最可靠的,但构建也应该适用于现代浏览器,所以我不担心。
