首页 > 解决方案 > Proper syntax for adding Rundeck Ansible "Extra Vars"


Im using Rundeck 3.0.7 with Ansible 2.7 and cant figure out the correct syntax to pass variables to my Ansible playbook. If I run it from the command line it works fine.

ansible-playbook test-playbook.yml -i hosts -e "FirstName=John LastName=Doe OfficePhone=365"

However when I add those vars to the "Extra Variables" section of the Rundeck Job I add the following and it doesnt work.

-e "FirstName=John LastName=Doe OfficePhone=365"

Does anyone know the proper syntax?

标签: jsonansibleansible-2.xrundeck



-e "test1=${option.test1} test2=${option.test2}"

这样,您就可以在 ansible-playbook 的参数中获得这些变量名称的选项值。
