首页 > 解决方案 > 在 C# 中比较字典中的数组



Dictionary<int, string[]> test = excel.GetSheetColumnPairs(xlWorkbook, myint);
//loop dictionary all elements   
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string[]> pair in test)
    Console.WriteLine(pair.Key + "....." + pair.Value + "<br />");
//find dictionary duplicate values.  
var duplicateValues = test.GroupBy(x => x.Value).Where(x => x.Count() > 1);

Console.WriteLine("<br /><b>dictionary duplicate values..........</b><br />");

//loop dictionary duplicate values only            
foreach (var item in duplicateValues)
    Console.WriteLine(item.Key + "<br />");

标签: c#


Assuming that the keys are always different and your code don't explode: The GroupBy is using the equality implementation for arrays. By default two arrays will be equal if they are referencing the same object (the same array); i.e: the default equality implementation won't care about the elements of the array, it only test that the referenced object are the same object. If you want to know if two arrays (different references, different objects in memory) contains the same elements, you have to create your own method and compare the elements one by one(or you can override the equality implementation)
