首页 > 解决方案 > Powermock Jacoco Gradle 0% 覆盖 Android 项目


我们有一个 Android 项目,我们在一些测试用例中使用 Powermock,在覆盖率报告中使用 Jacoco。我们注意到我们的一些课程以0%的覆盖率返回,尽管它们确实被覆盖了。我们还观察到以下受影响班级的消息。

"Classes ... do no match with execution data."

一些在线搜索表明Powermock 和 Jacoco 表现不佳,并且离线仪器是一种可能的解决方法。

以前有没有人为 android 项目使用过 gradle Offline Instrumentation 脚本?

标签: androidofflinepowermockjacocoinstrumentation


事后看来,我想这可以通过足够的安卓经验和在线阅读来解决。然而,当它落在我的腿上时,我对 Android、gradle 和 groovy 还比较陌生,所以我正在为下一个我写这个:-D

简而言之,发生了什么摘自 jacoco论坛

  • 源文件被编译成非仪表类文件
  • 对非插桩类文件进行插桩(离线预插桩,或在运行时由 Java 代理自动插桩)
  • 执行收集到 exec 文件中的检测类
  • 报告使用从分析 exec 文件和原始非仪器类文件中获得的信息来装饰源文件
  • 生成报告期间的消息“ Classes ... do no match with execution data.”表示用于生成报告的类文件与检测之前的类不同。



对于此类场景,可以使用 JaCoCo 预先检测类文件,例如使用仪器 Ant 任务。在运行时,预先检测的类需要在类路径上而不是原始类上。此外 jacocoagent.jar 必须放在类路径中。


    apply plugin: 'jacoco'

configurations {

jacoco {
    toolVersion = "0.8.1"

def offline_instrumented_outputDir = "$buildDir.path/intermediates/classes-instrumented/debug"

tasks.withType(Test) {
    jacoco.includeNoLocationClasses = true

def coverageSourceDirs = [

task jacocoTestReport(type: JacocoReport, dependsOn: "test") {
    group = "Reporting"

    description = "Generate Jacoco coverage reports"

    classDirectories = fileTree(
            dir: 'build/intermediates/classes/debug',
            excludes: ['**/R.class',

    sourceDirectories = files(coverageSourceDirs)
    executionData = files('build/jacoco/testDebugUnitTest.exec')

jacocoTestReport {
    reports {
        xml.enabled  true
        html.enabled  true
        html.destination file("build/test-results/jacocoHtml")

/* This task is used to create offline instrumentation of classes for on-the-fly instrumentation coverage tool like Jacoco. See jacoco classId
     * and Offline Instrumentation from the jacoco site for more info.
     * In this case, some classes mocked using PowerMock were reported as 0% coverage on jacoco & Sonarqube. The issue between PowerMock and jacoco
     * is well documented, and a possible solution is offline Instrumentation (not so well documented for gradle).
     * In a nutshell, this task:
     *  - Pre-instruments the original *.class files
     *  - Puts the instrumented classes path at the beginning of the task's classpath (for report purposes)
     *  - Runs test & generates a new exec file based on the pre-instrumented classes -- as opposed to on-the-fly instrumented class files generated by jacoco.
     * It is currently not implemented to run prior to any other existing tasks (like test, jacocoTestReport, etc...), therefore, it should be called
     * explicitly if Offline Instrumentation report is needed.
     *  Usage: gradle clean & gradle createOfflineInstrTestCoverageReport & gradle jacocoTestReport
     *   - gradle clean //To prevent influence from any previous task execution
     *   - gradle createOfflineInstrTestCoverageReport //To generate *.exec file from offline instrumented class
     *   - gradle jacocoTestReport //To generate html report from newly created *.exec task
task createOfflineTestCoverageReport(dependsOn: ['instrument', 'testDebugUnitTest']) {
    doLast {
        ant.taskdef(name: 'report',
                classname: 'org.jacoco.ant.ReportTask',
                classpath: configurations.jacocoAnt.asPath)
        ant.report() {
            executiondata {
                ant.file(file: "$buildDir.path/jacoco/testDebugUnitTest.exec")
            structure(name: 'Example') {
                classfiles {
                    fileset(dir: "$project.buildDir/intermediates/classes/debug")
                sourcefiles {
                    fileset(dir: 'src/main/java')
            //Uncomment if we want the task to generate jacoco html reports. However, the current script does not exclude files.
            //An alternative is to used jacocoTestReport after this task finishes
            //html(destdir: "$buildDir.path/reports/jacocoHtml")

 * Part of the Offline Instrumentation process is to add the jacoco runtime to the class path along with the path of the instrumented files.
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->
    if (graph.hasTask(instrument)) {
        tasks.withType(Test) {
            doFirst {
                systemProperty 'jacoco-agent.destfile', buildDir.path + '/jacoco/testDebugUnitTest.exec'
                classpath = files(offline_instrumented_outputDir) + classpath + configurations.jacocoRuntime

 *  Instruments the classes per se
task instrument(dependsOn:'compileDebugUnitTestSources') {
    doLast {
        println 'Instrumenting classes'

        ant.taskdef(name: 'instrument',
                classname: 'org.jacoco.ant.InstrumentTask',
                classpath: configurations.jacocoAnt.asPath)

        ant.instrument(destdir: offline_instrumented_outputDir) {
            fileset(dir: "$buildDir.path/intermediates/classes/debug")


  • 该脚本可以复制到单独的文件中。例如:jacoco.gradle

  • 在 build.gradle 中引用 jacoco 文件。例如:apply from: jacoco.gradle

  • 确保正确的依赖关系:jacocoAnt 'org.jacoco:org.jacoco.ant:0.8.1:nodeps'

  • 在命令行运行:gradle clean & gradle createOfflineTestCoverageReport & gradle jacocoTestReport

    gradle clean 将清除任何以前的 gradle 执行工件

    gradle createOfflineTestCoverageReport 将创建离线检测,更改类路径的顺序,生成 .exec 文件

    gradle jacocoTestReport 将根据之前生成的 .exec 文件运行测试并生成 jacoco 报告


我已经将一个带有示例脚本的 github Jacoco Powermock Android项目放在一起,以重现和修复该问题。它还包含有关解决方案的更多信息。


