首页 > 解决方案 > 解释指针和 sizeof 结构的不同值


我是新来的,我也是编程新手。我正在学习结构、指针和函数以及它们如何在 C 中协同工作。我试图理解我从以下代码中得到的结果:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct {
  int* data;
  unsigned int len;
} intarr_t;

intarr_t* intarr_create( unsigned int len )
  intarr_t* parr= malloc(sizeof(intarr_t));
  parr->data= malloc(len*sizeof(int));
  parr->len= len;

  if (parr->data && parr)
    return parr;
    return NULL;

int main()
  intarr_t* p = intarr_create(3); //creat a typedef struct "intarr_t" with data pointer that has 3 integer values allocate to it.
  printf("%ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n",sizeof(p), sizeof(*p), sizeof(*(p->data)), sizeof(p->data), sizeof(*(&(p->data))), sizeof(&(p->data)), sizeof(p->data[0]));
  printf("%p %p %p %p %p\n", (void*)p, (void*)p->data, (void*)&(p->len), (void*)&(p->data), (void*)&(p->data[0]));


8 16 4 8 8 8 4
0x55f672e0c260 0x55f672e0c280 0x55f672e0c268 0x55f672e0c260 0x55f672e0c280


标签: cfunctionpointersstructtypedef


8 - sizeof(p) - size of a pointer to struct inarr_t which is the same as size of any pointer 
16 - sizeof(*p) - size of struct inarr_t consisting of an int and a pointer with padding 
4 - sizeof(*(p->data)) - size of int
8 - sizeof(p->data) - size of pointer to int which is the same as size of any pointer 

8 - sizeof(*(&(p->data))) - size of pointer to int (*& is dereferencing a pointer to pointer) 
8 - sizeof(&(p->data)) - size of pointer to pointer to int
4 - sizeof(p->data[0])) - size of int (the first element of int array)


注意:C 标准不要求不同类型的指针具有相同的大小——即使它很常见。您的系统似乎就是这种情况。
