首页 > 解决方案 > How to identify specific IE window in blueprism when more than one window has the same title


I am trying to identify a particular IE window and attach to it using blueprism.

My issue is that I will have more than 1 window with the same title and blueprism is not able to identify and attach to it correctly.

标签: blueprism


当您在对象中设置附加页面时,您必须包含一个循环,该循环增加为Child Index执行实际附加的导航阶段中的附加操作的属性设置的数据项。

然后,您必须添加逻辑来验证目标实例独有的特定元素/元素是否存在于附加版本中。如果没有,请分离并增加您的Child Index财产,直到找到合适的财产。
