首页 > 解决方案 > 怎么把这3张图放在左边,3张放在右边?


我连续有 6 张图片,我想将 3 张放在左边,3 张放在右边。我尝试了 display: flex 和 float:left 但是它只是将部分选项卡下方的所有内容都提升了重叠显示。如何将 6 张图片分成两半,中间有文字?

<section className="open-text">
        <img className="move_to_left" height="70" width="70"  alt="usda_icon" src= "images/FDAT.gif"/>
        <img className="move_to_left" height="70" width="70"  alt="usda_icon" src= "images/usdaT.gif"/>
        <img className="move_to_left" height="80" width="80"  alt="usda_icon" src= "images/dermT.png"/>
        ***String of Text***
        <img className="move_to_right" height="90" width="90"  alt="usda_icon" src= "images/HypoT2.jpg"/>
        <img className="move_to_right" height="100" width="100"  alt="usda_icon" src= "images/ssl.png"/>
        <img className="move_to_right" height="80" width="80"  alt="usda_icon" src= "images/para2.gif"/>        


.open-text > h1 {
    color: #1e3a87;
    border-top: 1px solid white;
    margin-top: 12.5px !important;
    height: 10rem;    
    display: flex !important;
    align-items: center !important;
    mix-blend-mode: color-burn;    
    display: flex !important;
    align-items: center !important;
    font-family: 'Cinzel Decorative', cursive;
.open-text > h1 {
    /*border: 4px solid red;*/
    /*display: flex;*/
    /*justify-content: space-around;*/
    /*float: left;*/
.open-text > h1:nth-child(odd) {
    border: 1px solid red;
    /*float: right;*/

标签: javascriptcssnode.jsreactjsfrontend



请记住,我已经替换className为,class以便下面的示例可以正常工作 - 如果您通过 JSX 呈现它,请记住恢复它:

.open-text > h1 {
    height: 10rem;    
    align-items: center;
    justify-content:center; /* Cause "vertical" center alignment */
    flex-direction:row; /* Spread children of h1 along the x-axis */
    display: flex;

.open-text > h1 > img {
    flex:1;  /* This causes the image elements to squish down so that
                text comfortably fits */

<section class="open-text">
        <img class="move_to_left" height="70" width="70"  alt="usda_icon" src= "https://via.placeholder.com/150"/>
        <img class="move_to_left" height="70" width="70"  alt="usda_icon" src= "https://via.placeholder.com/150"/>
        <img class="move_to_left" height="80" width="80"  alt="usda_icon" src= "https://via.placeholder.com/150"/>
        ***String of Text***
        <img class="move_to_right" height="90" width="90"  alt="usda_icon" src= "https://via.placeholder.com/150"/>
        <img class="move_to_right" height="100" width="100"  alt="usda_icon" src= "https://via.placeholder.com/150"/>
        <img class="move_to_right" height="80" width="80"  alt="usda_icon" src= "https://via.placeholder.com/150"/>        
