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 Select * from table where row in ('010,'020','030')

comp       period       row       column        value
1          30.06.2017   010       020           500
1          30.06.2017   020       020           300
2          30.06.2017   010       020           400
3          30.06.2017   020       020           100


comp       period       row       column        value
1          30.06.2017   010       020           500
1          30.06.2017   020       020           300
2          30.06.2017   010       020           400
2          30.06.2017   020       020           (null)
3          30.06.2017   020       020           100
3          30.06.2017   010       020           (null)
1          30.06.2017   030       020           (null)
2          30.06.2017   030       020           (null)
3          30.06.2017   030       020           (null)

标签: sqloracleselect


使用 across join生成行,然后left join引入当前结果。我想你想要:

Select cpr.*, r.row, t.value
from (select distinct comp, period, column from t) cpr cross join
     (select '010' as row from dual union all
      select '020' as row from dual union all
      select '030' as row from dual 
     ) r left join
     on t.comp = cpr.comp and t.period = cpr.period and t.column = cpr.column and t.row = cpr.row;
