首页 > 解决方案 > 类型安全向量实现的类型不匹配




object Vector {

  type Vector1[A] = Ex[A, Vector0[A]]

  def of[A](a1: A): Vector1[A] = Ex(Vector0[A](), a1)

  type Vector2[A] = Ex[A, Vector1[A]]

  def of[A](a1: A, a2: A): Vector2[A] = of(a1).ex(a2)

  type Vector3[A] = Ex[A, Vector2[A]]

  def of[A](a1: A, a2: A, a3: A): Vector3[A] = of(a1, a2).ex(a3)


trait Vector[A] {

  type Same[B] <: Vector[B]
  type Self <: Vector[A]

  def ex(a: A): Vector[A]

  def add(that: Self): Self

  def map[B](f: A => B): Same[B]

  def forEach(f: A => Unit): Unit

case class Vector0[A]() extends Vector[A] {

  type Same[B] = Vector0[B]
  type Self = Vector0[A]

  def ex(that: A): Ex[A, Self] = Ex[A, Self](this, that)

  def add(that: Self): Self = Vector0[A]()

  def map[B](f: A => B): Same[B] = Vector0[B]()

  def forEach(f: A => Unit): Unit = ()

case class Ex[A, V <: Vector[A]](v: V, a: A) extends Vector[A] {

  type Same[B] = Ex[B, V#Same[B]]
  type Self = Ex[A, V]

  def ex(that: A): Ex[A, Self] = Ex[A, Self](this, that)

  def add(that: Self)(implicit num: Numeric[A]): Self = Ex[A, V](v.add(that.v), num.plus(a, that.a))

  def map[B](f: A => B): Same[B] = Ex[B, V#Same[B]](v.map(f), f(a))

  def forEach(f: A => Unit): Unit = {


现在,看一下addin Ex(“ex”代表“extrude”,例如向向量添加一个维度)。


[error]  found   : that.v.type (with underlying type V)
[error]  required: Ex.this.v.Self
[error]   def add(that: Self)(implicit num: Numeric[A]): Self = Ex[A, V](v.add(that.v), num.plus(a, that.a))

这对我来说没有意义,因为两者vthat.v保证是 type V

我正在使用millScala 2.13.0-M5


标签: scalatype-level-computation


问题是 in 的类型SelfVector抽象的,并且只为 的非抽象子类定义Vector。您可以拥有类型的值,Vector但编译器无法知道该Self值的类型。因此,您不能调用add该值,因为无法检查参数是否是正确的类型(因为类型未知)。

在您的Ex班级中,值v是 typeV <: Vector[A]这意味着它可能是Vector[A]. But addis not defined forVector[A]因为Self没有定义,所以当你尝试调用时编译器会报错v.add


 trait A {
   type Self // Abstract type
   def add(a: Self, b: Self): Self

 case class A1() extends A {
   type Self = Int // Concrete type
   def add(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b

 case class A2() extends A {
   type Self = String // Concrete type
   def add(a: String, b: String) = a + b

 val a1 = new A1
 val a2 = new A2

 a1.add(1, 1) // Argument type is Int

 a2.add("A", "B") // Argument type is String


 val a: A = a1
 a.add(1, 1) // fails to compile
 a.add("A", "B") // fails to compile


