首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 Schema 中发布 Schema 数组?


我有两种模式,一种叫做position另一种叫做path. 基本上,我想要路径schema来保存一组position模式。


const mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;

var positionSchema = new Schema({
    position : {
        x : Number,
        y : Number
    orientation : {
        x : Number

var Position = mongoose.model('Position', positionSchema);
module.exports = Position


const mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;

var Position = require('./position');

var pathSchema = new Schema({
    path : [{type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Position'}]

module.exports = mongoose.model("Path", pathSchema);

所以现在,我想使用 Postman 将一些位置数组发布到路径模式,代码如下所示:

router.post("/", (req,res,next)=>{
    const _path = new Path({
        path : req.body.path
    .then(docs => {
        const response = {
            status: 201,
            message: "Path has been added succesfully",
            path_ID: docs.path_id,
            path : docs.path
    .catch(err => {
            message: err

但是当我在 Postman 中使用这个例子时:

{"path" : [
    {"position" : { "x": "1111", "y" : "2222"}, "orientation" : { "x":"0"} },
{"position" : { "x": "1111", "y" : "2222"}, "orientation" : { "x":"0"} }


    "message": {
        "errors": {
            "path": {
                "message": "Cast to Array failed for value \"[ { position: { x: '1111', y: '2222' }, orientation: { x: '0' } },\n  { position: { x: '1111', y: '2222' }, orientation: { x: '0' } } ]\" at path \"path\"",
                "name": "CastError",
                "stringValue": "\"[ { position: { x: '1111', y: '2222' }, orientation: { x: '0' } },\n  { position: { x: '1111', y: '2222' }, orientation: { x: '0' } } ]\"",
                "kind": "Array",
                "value": [
                        "position": {
                            "x": "1111",
                            "y": "2222"
                        "orientation": {
                            "x": "0"
                        "position": {
                            "x": "1111",
                            "y": "2222"
                        "orientation": {
                            "x": "0"
                "path": "path",
                "reason": {
                    "message": "Cast to ObjectId failed for value \"{ position: { x: '1111', y: '2222' }, orientation: { x: '0' } }\" at path \"path\"",
                    "name": "CastError",
                    "stringValue": "\"{ position: { x: '1111', y: '2222' }, orientation: { x: '0' } }\"",
                    "kind": "ObjectId",
                    "value": {
                        "position": {
                            "x": "1111",
                            "y": "2222"
                        "orientation": {
                            "x": "0"
                    "path": "path"
        "_message": "Path validation failed",
        "message": "Path validation failed: path: Cast to Array failed for value \"[ { position: { x: '1111', y: '2222' }, orientation: { x: '0' } },\n  { position: { x: '1111', y: '2222' }, orientation: { x: '0' } } ]\" at path \"path\"",
        "name": "ValidationError"

所以我想这与我的 post 方法有关,因为我的服务器无法正确识别 post 消息并等待其他内容。


标签: node.jsexpressmongoose



router.post("/", (req,res,next)=>{
    const savePositions = req.body.path.map(position => {          // create promises that save Position documents
        return new Position(position).save();

    Promise.all(savePositions)                                     // run all save promises in parallel
      .then(positions => positions.map(position => position._id))  // get an array of ids of saved documents
      .then(positionsIds => new Path({ path: positionsIds }).save())
      .then(savedPath => {
        // do the job with saved Path
      .catch(err => {
        // handle the error
