首页 > 解决方案 > Python Dataframe 循环操作效率





[    prodID    orderQTY
 0   ABC1      456
 1   ABC2      703
 2   ABC3      359
 3   ABC4      492
 4   ABC5      824
 ..  ...       ...
 [100 rows x 2 columns],
     prodID    orderQTY
 0   ABC10     805
 1   ABC11     860
 2   ABC12     651
 3   ABC13     662
 4   ABC14     802
 ..  ...       ...
 [100 rows x 2 columns],
     prodID    orderQTY
 0   ABC100    111
 1   ABC101    834
 2   ABC102    302
 3   ABC103    386
 4   ABC104    318
 ..  ...       ...
 [100 rows x 2 columns]]


    prodID    onHand
0   ABC1      37200
1   ABC2      38945
2   ABC3      38085
3   ABC4      43775
4   ABC5      10999
..  ...       ...
 [300 rows x 2 columns]



def fulfill_orders(order_list, stock):
# create empty dataframe where the results will go
combined = pd.DataFrame(columns=['prodID', 'startSTOCK', 'orderQTY', 'endSTOCK'])

# loop through dataframes in order_list
for orders in order_list:
    # create unique list of product ids
    ids = orders['prodID'].unique()
    # loop through unique list of product ids
    for id in ids:
        # create dataframe that consists of a single product id
        df = orders.groupby('prodID').get_group(id)
        # merge stock on hand onto single product id dataframe
        df = df.merge(stock, how='left', on='prodID')
        # rename stock on hand column
        df.rename(columns={'onHAND': 'startSTOCK'}, inplace=True)
        # create ending stock column and calculate value for first row
        df.loc[0,'endSTOCK'] = df.loc[0, 'startSTOCK'] - df.loc[0, 'orderQTY']
        # check if ending stock for first row is less than zero
        if df.loc[0, 'endSTOCK'] < 0:
            # reset negative first row ending stock to starting stock
            df.loc[0, 'endSTOCK'] = df.loc[0, 'startSTOCK']
        # loop through remaining rows
        for i in range(1, len(df)):
            # set starting stock to previous ending stock
            df.loc[i, 'startSTOCK'] = df.loc[i-1, 'endSTOCK']
            # calculate new ending stock
            df.loc[i, 'endSTOCK'] = df.loc[i, 'startSTOCK'] - df.loc[i, 'orderQTY']
            # check if ending stock is less than zero
            if df.loc[i, 'endSTOCK'] < 0:
                # reset negative ending stock to starting stock
                df.loc[i, 'endSTOCK'] = df.loc[i, 'startSTOCK']
        # append results to output dataframe
        combined = combined.append(df, ignore_index=True)
        # remove extra columns
        df = df[['prodID', 'endSTOCK']]
        # rename columns
        df.rename(columns={'endSTOCK': 'onHAND'}, inplace=True)
        # keep only last value
        df = df.iloc[[-1]]
        # update the stock on hand dataframe
        stock = pd.concat([stock, df]).drop_duplicates(['prodID'], keep='last')

# change column types to integer
combined['startSTOCK'] = combined.startSTOCK.astype(int)
combined['endSTOCK'] = combined.endSTOCK.astype(int)

# reorder columns
combined = combined[['prodID', 'startSTOCK', 'orderQTY', 'endSTOCK']]

# reset index
combined.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

# drop orders not fulfilled
combined.drop(combined[(combined.startSTOCK <= 0) | (combined.orderQTY > combined.startSTOCK)].index, inplace=True)

# reset index
combined.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

return combined.sort_values(['prodID', 'startSTOCK'], ascending=[True, False])


    prodID    startSTOCK    orderQTY    endSTOCK
0   ABC1      37200         456         36744
1   ABC2      38945         703         38242
2   ABC3      38085         359         37726
3   ABC4      43775         492         43283
4   ABC5      10999         824         10175
..  ...       ...           ...         ...
[300 rows x 4 columns]


标签: pythonpandasperformanceloopsdataframe





  prodID  orderQTY
0   ABC1       456
1   ABC2       703
2   ABC3       359
3   ABC4       492
4   ABC5       824

它将 DataFrames ( dfs) 列表作为您显示的第一个 DataFrame 的第一部分,重复了 3 次。

dfs = [df_order] * 3
df_stock = df_stock.set_index('prodID')


df_orders = pd.concat(dfs).groupby('prodID').sum()
df_all = df_stock.join(df_orders)
df_all['endSTOCK'] = df_all['onHand'] - df_all['orderQTY']


        onHand  orderQTY  endSTOCK
ABC1     37200      1368     35832
ABC2     38945      2109     36836
ABC3     38085      1077     37008
ABC4     43775      1476     42299
ABC5     10999      2472      8527
