首页 > 解决方案 > 迭代嵌套结构并返回每个结构的总值


我正在试验 Swift,试图创建一个基本的游戏引擎。


我想遍历每个“战士”并汇总每个单独的技能集,基本上返回 3 个值 - 总计standUp, clinch, ground



import UIKit

struct StandUp {
    let boxing: Int
    let kickBoxing: Int

struct Clinch {
    let judo: Int
    let freestyle: Int

struct Ground {
    let bjj: Int
    let judo: Int

struct Fighter {
    let standUp: StandUp
    let clinch: Clinch
    let ground: Ground

let striker = Fighter(
    standUp: StandUp(boxing: 8, kickBoxing: 7),
    clinch: Clinch(judo: 5, freestyle: 4),
    ground: Ground(bjj: 6, judo: 5)

let bjj = Fighter(
    standUp: StandUp(boxing: 5, kickBoxing: 4),
    clinch: Clinch(judo: 7, freestyle: 8),
    ground: Ground(bjj: 8, judo: 7)

class FightEngine {
    private let fOne: Fighter
    private let fTwo: Fighter

    init(fighterOne: Fighter, fighterTwo: Fighter) {
        fOne = fighterOne
        fTwo = fighterTwo

   private func sumSkillSet(fighter: Fighter) -> Int {
        var total: Int
        let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: fighter)

        for skill in mirror.children {

        return 1 // Only returning this so the code will run

    func getTotals() -> (Int, Int) {
        let totalOne = sumSkillSet(fighter: fOne)
        let totalTwo = sumSkillSet(fighter: fTwo)

        return (1, 2) // Only returning this so the code will run


let fE = FightEngine(fighterOne: striker, fighterTwo: bjj)

fE.getTotals() // This should be a dictionary of each fighters totals, 3 values for each fighter


["fighterOne":(1,2,3), "fighterTwo":(4,5,6)] 

标签: swiftstruct



struct StandUp {
    let boxing: Int
    let kickBoxing: Int

    func sum() -> Int {
        return boxing + kickBoxing

struct Clinch {
    let judo: Int
    let freestyle: Int

    func sum() -> Int {
        return judo + freestyle

struct Ground {
    let bjj: Int
    let judo: Int

    func sum() -> Int {
        return bjj + judo

struct Fighter {
    let standUp: StandUp
    let clinch: Clinch
    let ground: Ground

    func sum() -> [Int] {
        return [standUp.sum(), clinch.sum(), ground.sum()]

let striker = Fighter(
    standUp: StandUp(boxing: 8, kickBoxing: 7),
    clinch: Clinch(judo: 5, freestyle: 4),
    ground: Ground(bjj: 6, judo: 5)

let bjj = Fighter(
    standUp: StandUp(boxing: 5, kickBoxing: 4),
    clinch: Clinch(judo: 7, freestyle: 8),
    ground: Ground(bjj: 8, judo: 7)

class FightEngine {
    private let fOne: Fighter
    private let fTwo: Fighter

    init(fighterOne: Fighter, fighterTwo: Fighter) {
        fOne = fighterOne
        fTwo = fighterTwo

    func getTotals() -> [String: [Int]] {
        return ["fighterOne": fOne.sum(), "fighterTwo": fTwo.sum()]


注意:我建议您添加一个参数并将其用作键而不是“fighterOne”和“fighterTwo” nameFighter

[fOne.name: totalOne, fTwo.name: totalTwo]
