首页 > 解决方案 > 递归地创建和显示人的金字塔 - C


问题:我正在尝试获取两个数组,并将它们传递给一个函数,我应该在该函数中递归地显示字母“人”的列表,并将它们放置在金字塔中,在那里我显示膝盖上的重量最底层的人,就是上面那个人的一半重量,加上他们自己的重量。所以最上面的人靠自己的重量,而金字塔边的人只承受 1 人的一半,其他人都承受 2。将处理此问题的递归调用。





How many people are on the bottom row? 4
Each person's own weight:
55.90 131.25
69.05 133.66 132.82
53.43 139.61 134.06 121.63

Weight on each person's knees:
 81.49 156.84
 109.80 252.82 211.24
 108.32 320.92 366.09 227.25



代码: 最终函数有错误,无法确定要发送什么以递归调用正确的输出。

int bottomRow(int userNum);

float weightedKness(float arr[], int totalpeople, char letters[]);

int main() {
    int bottomrow, total_people, k = 1, j = 1;
    char letterPerson;

    printf("How many people on the bottom row?\n");
    //if 7 is entered, the letter assignment will go out of alphabet's range
    scanf("%d", &bottomrow);

//recursively finding the total number of people in the pyramid
//printf("Total people in pyramid is: %d\n", bottomRow(bottomrow));
    total_people = bottomRow(bottomrow);//total_people is an integer of all people

//populating array
    float people[total_people];
    for (; j <= total_people; ++j) {
        //insert randomized weight here between 250 and 50 (child - hopefully they aren't on the bottom)
        people[j] = 50;
        //printf("Weight of person %d is %.2flbs\n", j, people[j]);

//printf("Total people is %d\n", total_people);

//populating an array of chars to align to the array of weights
    char assignedLetter[total_people];
    letterPerson = 'A';
    for (; k <= total_people; ++k) {
        assignedLetter[k] = letterPerson++;

        //printf("%d is now %c\n", k, array[k]);

    for (int i = 1; i <= total_people; ++i) {
       // printf("Weight of person %c is %.2flbs\n", assignedLetter[i], people[i]);


    //weightedKness(people, total_people);
    /* char letterPerson = {'@'};//holds an array of letters based on the amount of people
     //starting the ascii value to 1 before capital A
     for (; i <= total_people; ++i) {
         printf("Weight of person %c is %.2flbs\n", letterPerson, people[i]);
         //send through corresponding letter and weight based on i



    return 0;

int bottomRow(int userNum) {

    if (userNum == 1) {
        return 1;
    //printf("Num is %d\n", userNum);
    //finding total of people in pyramid based on the given bottom
    return bottomRow(userNum - 1) + userNum;


float weightedKness(float arr[], int totalpeople, char letters[]) {
int list_start = totalpeople;

    if (totalpeople < 0) {
        return 0;

if (arr[1] && letters[1] ) {
    return 0;

return weightedKness(arr[totalpeople-1],totalpeople-1, letters[totalpeople-1] + )


标签: crecursion


递归函数需要 (1) 将停止递归的递归测试条件,以及 (2) 函数内的递归调用。


也就是说,存在一些问题,递归提供了一种非常优雅的解决方案,而不会导致内存耗尽。排列、阶乘等......就是很好的例子。递归函数也提出了很好的家庭作业问题,因为它是编程的必要领域,它要求您仔细考虑在进行递归调用时会发生什么 - 以及在满足递归测试条件后会发生什么(并且您当每个递归调用返回时,必须从递归中“放松”。



在初始和每次递归调用中,您需要 (1) 打印人员数组并 (2) 根据上述人员计算权重,然后在函数中进行递归调用。然后在进行递归调用之后,您将需要打印您计算的权重 - 但要小心,当您从每个递归调用返回并“展开”递归时,您使用的行计数器将从其限制开始并返回零. 在递归调用之后,这将需要一些计划来处理您的数组索引。


#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZEP 4 /* constant for rows/cols - otherwise VLA or allocate */

void pyramid (double (*people)[SIZEP], double (*weight)[SIZEP], int row)
    if (row < SIZEP) {  /* recursive test condition */
        /* handle all computations/print people here */
        pyramid (people, weight, row + 1);  /* recursive call */
        /* print your weights here (but reverse the indexes) */

现在你已经有了一个大纲,但是如何处理编写函数与编写任何函数没有什么不同。您考虑必须满足的任何特殊条件(例如,第一行,顶部没有重量,只有要计算的人,金字塔边缘的数组的第一个和最后一个元素仅承载上面单个人的重量,等等。)因此,只需将您的特殊条件合并到递归函数的流程中 - 但请记住,您只有一个递归函数,因此函数本身必须在每次调用时处理这些特殊条件中的每一个 -它们是否适用于当前行数。

这里的方法非常简单,你想检查你是否在金字塔的第一行,然后将权重复制到weight数组中。对于所有其他行,您将需要三个条件 (1) 处理第一个元素(左边缘)计算;(2) 处理金字塔中的所有内部位置(如果有),以及 (3) 处理行中的最后一个元素(右边缘)。在进行递归调用之前,您将以相同的方式打印和计算权重,例如

    if (row < SIZEP) {  /* recursive test condition */

        /* recursion */
        if (row == 0) { /* print people, set weight */
            printf ("%6.2lf\n", people[row][0]);
            weight[row][0] = people[row][0];
        else {
            /* print 1st person, set 1st weight */
            printf ("%6.2lf", people[row][0]);
            weight[row][0] = people[row][0] + weight[row-1][0] / 2.0;
            /* print inner people, set innter weights */
            for (int i = 1; i < row; i++) {
                printf (" %6.2lf", people[row][i]);
                weight[row][i] = people[row][i] + 
                            (weight[row-1][i-1] + weight[row-1][i]) / 2.0;
            /* print last person, set last weight */
            printf (" %6.2lf\n", people[row][row]);
            weight[row][row] = people[row][row] + weight[row-1][row-1] / 2.0;    

        pyramid (people, weight, row + 1);  /* recursive call */

现在会发生什么row == SIZEP??您的递归函数开始从递归调用返回。因此,如果您在传递row + 1和的地方进行最后一次递归调用row == SIZEP,则返回和展开将在您的递归调用之后立即开始。这里的价值是row什么?(如果您通过递归调用row + 1并且它在您的测试条件下返回,那么row没有改变它仍然是最后一行(例如3在您的情况下)。


void pyramid (double (*people)[SIZEP], double (*weight)[SIZEP], int row)
    if (row < SIZEP) {  /* recursive test condition -- FAILED */

现在您又回到了上一次调用中,准备开始返回和展开,row将索引保持在数组中的最后一行。递归调用下面发生的只是weight数组的打印。但是,您不想将其颠倒打印,因此您需要处理 的值row以将展开索引映射到相同的索引0-3而不是3-0.


        pyramid (people, weight, row + 1);  /* recursive call */

        /* return from recursion */
        int revrow = SIZEP - (row + 1); /* print weights in reverse order */

        if (revrow == 0)    /* same logic as computing weights applies */
            printf ("\n%6.2lf\n", weight[revrow][0]);
        else {
            printf ("%6.2lf", weight[revrow][0]);
            for (int i = 1; i < revrow; i++)
                printf (" %6.2lf", weight[revrow][i]);
            printf (" %6.2lf\n", weight[revrow][revrow]);



#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZEP 4 /* constant for rows/cols - otherwise VLA or allocate */

void pyramid (double (*people)[SIZEP], double (*weight)[SIZEP], int row)
    if (row < SIZEP) {  /* recursive test condition */

        /* recursion */
        if (row == 0) { /* print people, set weight */
            printf ("%6.2lf\n", people[row][0]);
            weight[row][0] = people[row][0];
        else {
            /* print 1st person, set 1st weight */
            printf ("%6.2lf", people[row][0]);
            weight[row][0] = people[row][0] + weight[row-1][0] / 2.0;
            /* print inner people, set innter weights */
            for (int i = 1; i < row; i++) {
                printf (" %6.2lf", people[row][i]);
                weight[row][i] = people[row][i] + 
                            (weight[row-1][i-1] + weight[row-1][i]) / 2.0;
            /* print last person, set last weight */
            printf (" %6.2lf\n", people[row][row]);
            weight[row][row] = people[row][row] + weight[row-1][row-1] / 2.0;    

        pyramid (people, weight, row + 1);  /* recursive call */

        /* return from recursion */
        int revrow = SIZEP - (row + 1); /* print weights in reverse order */

        if (revrow == 0)    /* same logic as computing weights applies */
            printf ("\n%6.2lf\n", weight[revrow][0]);
        else {
            printf ("%6.2lf", weight[revrow][0]);
            for (int i = 1; i < revrow; i++)
                printf (" %6.2lf", weight[revrow][i]);
            printf (" %6.2lf\n", weight[revrow][revrow]);

int main (void) {

    double people[SIZEP][SIZEP] =  {{ 51.18 },
                                    { 55.90, 131.25 },
                                    { 69.05, 133.66, 132.82 },
                                    { 53.43, 139.61, 134.06, 121.63 }},
        weight[SIZEP][SIZEP] = {{ 0 }};

    pyramid (people, weight, 0);

    return 0;


$ ./bin/pyramidrecurse
 55.90 131.25
 69.05 133.66 132.82
 53.43 139.61 134.06 121.63

 81.49 156.84
109.79 252.82 211.24
108.33 320.92 366.09 227.25

考虑一下。递归函数需要稍微不同的思维方式才能使它们有意义。但是,当你意识到你只是在途中重复调用同一个函数,然后在你的递归展开时处理每个调用的返回 - 它会开始下沉。

使用带有 C99+ 的 VLA

与其声明一个整数常量SIZEP来声明两者people,而且声明为具有自动存储类型weight的数组,您还有另外两个选项可以让您根据用户输入来调整两个数组的大小。第一个,如果你有 C99+ 编译,是使用可变长度数组。虽然具有自动存储持续时间的数组需要一个整数常量作为数组声明的大小,但 VLA 允许使用一个变量来调整数组的大小。(需要注意的是,VLA 不能使用正常的初始化程序来初始化,例如,等等,相反,您必须使用或循环手动初始化 VLA){{0}}memset

此外,如注释中所述,当将 VLA 作为参数传递时,您必须在数组之前将大小作为参数传递,以便知道数组的大小,例如function (int size, vla1[size], vla2[size]). 如果size未在数组之前传递,则在等size中将不知道。vla1[size]

使用 VLA 或使用 动态分配等之间的主要区别在于malloc,对于 VLA,您仍然必须在声明数组之前获取数组大小的输入。VLA 无法调整大小。mallocrealloc提供动态增加阵列存储量的能力,而无需事先知道行数或元素数。您只需分配一些合理预期的大小,如果在您完成读取所有输入之前达到大小,您可以调用realloc该内存块并即时分配更多(但它确实需要更多几行代码。这不再困难,只需要更多的变量来跟踪您分配了多少内存,您使用了多少,以及何时used == allocated,您realloc,用新的分配大小更新变量,然后继续。

在下面的示例中,size被读取为第一个输入(来自下面的文件,但它可以很容易地在 上输入stdin),VLA 是使用 创建size的,VLA 设置为全零,memset然后传递给递归pyramid函数. 另请注意,递归函数已被拆分为三个函数,以简化对实际递归pyramid函数的理解,同时将计算和打印移至递归前调用compute函数和函数中的递归后展开unwind


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void compute (int size, double (*people)[size], double (*weight)[size], int row)
    if (row == 0) { /* print people, set weight */
        printf ("%6.2lf\n", people[row][0]);
        weight[row][0] = people[row][0];
    else {
        /* print 1st person, set 1st weight */
        printf ("%6.2lf", people[row][0]);
        weight[row][0] = people[row][0] + weight[row-1][0] / 2.0;
        /* print inner people, set inner weights */
        for (int i = 1; i < row; i++) {
            printf (" %6.2lf", people[row][i]);
            weight[row][i] = people[row][i] +
                        (weight[row-1][i-1] + weight[row-1][i]) / 2.0;
        /* print last person, set last weight */
        printf (" %6.2lf\n", people[row][row]);
        weight[row][row] = people[row][row] + weight[row-1][row-1] / 2.0;

void unwind (int size, double (*weight)[size], int row)
    int revrow = size - (row + 1); /* print weights in reverse order */

    if (revrow == 0)    /* same logic as computing weights applies */
        printf ("\n%6.2lf\n", weight[revrow][0]);
    else {
        printf ("%6.2lf", weight[revrow][0]);
        for (int i = 1; i < revrow; i++)
            printf (" %6.2lf", weight[revrow][i]);
        printf (" %6.2lf\n", weight[revrow][revrow]);

void pyramid (int size, double (*people)[size], double (*weight)[size], int row)
    if (row < size) {  /* recursive test condition */

        /* computations before recursive call */
        compute (size, people, weight, row);

        /* recursive call */
        pyramid (size, people, weight, row + 1);

        /* return from recursion */
        unwind (size, weight, row);

int main (int argc, char **argv) {

    int size;   /* read from user or file */
    /* use filename provided as 1st argument (stdin by default) */
    FILE *fp = argc > 1 ? fopen (argv[1], "r") : stdin;

    if (!fp) {  /* validate file open for reading */
        perror ("file open failed");
        return 1;

    if (fscanf (fp, "%d", &size) != 1) {    /* read size */
        fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid format '%s'\n", argv[1]);
        return 1;
    double  people[size][size],     /* declare VLAs, but you */
            weight[size][size];     /* can't initialize VLAs */

    memset (people, 0, size * sizeof *people);  /* zero both arrays */
    memset (weight, 0, size * sizeof *weight);

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
            if (fscanf (fp, "%lf", &people[i][j]) != 1) {
                fprintf (stderr, "error: reading people[%d][%d]\n", i, j);
                return 1;
    fclose (fp);   /* close file */

    pyramid (size, people, weight, 0);  /* compute/print arrays */

    return 0;


$ cat dat/pyramidweight.txt
55.90 131.25
69.05 133.66 132.82
53.43 139.61 134.06 121.63


$ ./bin/pyramidrecursefnvla dat/pyramidweight.txt
 55.90 131.25
 69.05 133.66 132.82
 53.43 139.61 134.06 121.63

 81.49 156.84
109.79 252.82 211.24
108.33 320.92 366.09 227.25

malloccalloc- 完成存储拼图

如上所述,使用malloc, calloc, realloc动态分配存储的主要优点是无需size事先知道。这意味着,如果用户(或您的文件)不包含size,您可以简单地动态分配一些合理数量的指针并为每个指针分配一些double值的存储空间并开始读取您的数据。


在进一步讨论之前,我们在关于动态分配的讨论中使用了“指针”这个词,而在其他两个案例中我们使用了“数组” 。这是一个重要的区别。数组不是指针,指针也不是数组,但要明白数组在访问时会转换为指针。具体来说:C11 标准 - 其他操作数 - 左值、数组和函数指示符 (p3)

(p3) 除非它是运算sizeof符、 运算符_Alignof或一元'&'运算符的操作数,或者是用于初始化数组 的字符串字面量,否则类型为"array of type"的表达式将转换为类型为"的表达式指向类型的指针”,它指向数组对象的初始元素并且不是左值。

由于您传递的是指向指针的指针 ,因此double您的函数参数需要从指向数组的指针更改为指向指针的指针,例如peopleweight double double

void pyramid (int size, double **people, double **weight, int row)


动态分配时,malloc, calloc & realloc可以并且确实会因内存耗尽而失败。当它们失败时,它们各自返回NULL指示失败。否则,它们返回您分配给指针的已分配内存块的起始地址,然后可以使用数组表示法- 或指针表示法(例如people[2],数组表示法等同*(people + 2)于指针表示法 - 并且因为数组转换为访问指针,您也可以将任一表示法与数组一起使用)


    double  **people = NULL,    /* pointer to pointer to double */
            **weight = NULL;


    /* first allocate size pointers to each people and weight */
    people = malloc (size * sizeof *people);
    if (people == NULL) {           /* validate every allocation */
        perror ("malloc-people");
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    weight = malloc (size * sizeof *weight);
    if (!weight) {                  /* validate every allocation */
        perror ("malloc-weight");
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

注意:在分配存储时,您需要size乘以sizeof您分配的任何内容。虽然您可以使用类型,例如sizeof (double*),使用取消引用的变量本身来调整类型的大小总是更好。例如,如果您分配的peopledouble**,如果你使用sizeof *people, 那么*people就是double*. 这将确保你永远不会弄错类型大小. 对于复杂类型的错误很可能和常见的猜测类型是, 例如,指向数组的指针或指向 的指针数组, 等等... )

此时,您有size每个分配的指针。虽然您可以猜测值的数量,但分配该数量的双打,并且realloc如果您达到 aljust 定位的限制 - (但这需要重新读取从 value-at-a-time 到一次一行然后解析——如果你好奇,我留给你),但是在这里,因为我们知道我们正在建模array[size][size]并且我们array[size]分配了指针,剩下的就是size为每个指针分配双精度,例如

    /* now allocate a block of size double for each pointer,
    * let's use calloc here to both allocate and set all bytes zero.
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {                /* loop over pointers */
        people[i] = calloc (size, sizeof *people[i]); /* allocate doubles */
        if (!people[i]) {           /* validate every allocation */
            perror ("calloc-people[i]");
            exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

        weight[i] = calloc (size, sizeof *weight[i]); /* allocate doubles */
        if (!weight[i]) {           /* validate every allocation */
            perror ("calloc-weight[i]");
            exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

(用and再次注意字体大小)sizeof *people[i]sizeof *weight[i]


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

void compute (double **people, double **weight, int row)
    if (row == 0) { /* print people, set weight */
        printf ("%6.2lf\n", people[row][0]);
        weight[row][0] = people[row][0];
    else {
        /* print 1st person, set 1st weight */
        printf ("%6.2lf", people[row][0]);
        weight[row][0] = people[row][0] + weight[row-1][0] / 2.0;
        /* print inner people, set inner weights */
        for (int i = 1; i < row; i++) {
            printf (" %6.2lf", people[row][i]);
            weight[row][i] = people[row][i] +
                        (weight[row-1][i-1] + weight[row-1][i]) / 2.0;
        /* print last person, set last weight */
        printf (" %6.2lf\n", people[row][row]);
        weight[row][row] = people[row][row] + weight[row-1][row-1] / 2.0;

void unwind (int size, double **weight, int row)
    int revrow = size - (row + 1); /* print weights in reverse order */

    if (revrow == 0)    /* same logic as computing weights applies */
        printf ("\n%6.2lf\n", weight[revrow][0]);
    else {
        printf ("%6.2lf", weight[revrow][0]);
        for (int i = 1; i < revrow; i++)
            printf (" %6.2lf", weight[revrow][i]);
        printf (" %6.2lf\n", weight[revrow][revrow]);

void pyramid (int size, double **people, double **weight, int row)
    if (row < size) {  /* recursive test condition */

        /* computations before recursive call */
        compute (people, weight, row);

        /* recursive call */
        pyramid (size, people, weight, row + 1);

        /* return from recursion */
        unwind (size, weight, row);

int main (int argc, char **argv) {

    int size;                   /* read from user or file */
    double  **people = NULL,    /* pointer to pointer to double */
            **weight = NULL;
    /* use filename provided as 1st argument (stdin by default) */
    FILE *fp = argc > 1 ? fopen (argv[1], "r") : stdin;

    if (!fp) {  /* validate file open for reading */
        perror ("file open failed");
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    if (fscanf (fp, "%d", &size) != 1) {    /* read size */
        fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid format '%s'\n", argv[1]);
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    /* first allocate size pointers to each people and weight */
    people = malloc (size * sizeof *people);
    if (people == NULL) {           /* validate every allocation */
        perror ("malloc-people");
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    weight = malloc (size * sizeof *weight);
    if (!weight) {                  /* validate every allocation */
        perror ("malloc-weight");
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    /* now allocate a block of size double for each pointer,
    * let's use calloc here to both allocate and set all bytes zero.
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {                /* loop over pointers */
        people[i] = calloc (size, sizeof *people[i]); /* allocate doubles */
        if (!people[i]) {           /* validate every allocation */
            perror ("calloc-people[i]");
            exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

        weight[i] = calloc (size, sizeof *weight[i]); /* allocate doubles */
        if (!weight[i]) {           /* validate every allocation */
            perror ("calloc-weight[i]");
            exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    /* the rest is the same - except for parameter types for pyramid */
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)  /* read people values from file */
        for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
            if (fscanf (fp, "%lf", &people[i][j]) != 1) {
                fprintf (stderr, "error: reading people[%d][%d]\n", i, j);
                return 1;
    fclose (fp);   /* close file */

    pyramid (size, people, weight, 0);  /* compute/print arrays */

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        free (people[i]);
        free (weight[i]);
    free (people);
    free (weight);

    return 0;






对于 Linuxvalgrind是正常的选择。每个平台都有类似的内存检查器。它们都易于使用,只需通过它运行您的程序即可。

$ valgrind ./bin/pyramidrecursemalloc dat/pyramidweight.txt
==1851== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==1851== Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==1851== Using Valgrind-3.12.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==1851== Command: ./bin/pyramidrecursemalloc dat/pyramidweight.txt
55.90 131.25
69.05 133.66 132.82
53.43 139.61 134.06 121.63

81.49 156.84
109.79 252.82 211.24
108.33 320.92 366.09 227.25
==1851== HEAP SUMMARY:
==1851==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==1851==   total heap usage: 11 allocs, 11 frees, 872 bytes allocated
==1851== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==1851== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==1851== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)


