首页 > 解决方案 > Stubbing a nested function in Jest


I have two functions in a module at the module scope. One of the functions is used by another.

async function allCinemas({ puppeteer, states }) {
  const cinemaDetails = [];
  const page = await puppeteer
      handleSIGINT: true /*devtools: false,headless: true*/
    .then(browser => browser.newPage());

  await page.setViewport({ width: 1366, height: 735 }); //form factor - laptop/PC
  await page.goto("https://www.somesite.come");

  for (const state of states) {
    const res = await cinemasfromState(page, state);
    res.forEach(cin => {
  await page.close();

  return cinemaDetails;

async function cinemasfromState(page, state) {
  const CINEMA_SELECTOR = `div[$[STATE]] div.top-select-option h.element`;

  let res = await page.evaluate(
    (elementPath, state) => {
      let results = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(elementPath)).map(
        function(cin, index) {
          let result = {
            cinemaState: this.state,
            cinemaId: cin.getAttribute("id"),
            cinemaName: cin.getAttribute("name"),
          return result;
        { state }

      return  [...results.reduce((a, c) => a.set(c.cinemaId, c), new Map()).values()];     

    CINEMA_SELECTOR.replace("$[STATE]", state),

  return  Promise.resolve(res);
export { allCinemas, cinemasfromState };

I have separately tested function cinemasfromState

Therefore when I test function allCinemas, I am thinking of stubbing function cinemasfromState.

How can I not stub/mock cinemasfromState so that I don’t have to duplicate testing?

标签: javascriptunit-testingjestjs




import * as allMethods from './whereever-the-file-is';
import sinon from 'sinon';

// inside your test case
const aStub = sinon.stub(allMethods, 'a');

// test your function b on what it should do when a returns 'x'

// test your function b on what it should do when a returns 'y'

我还没有测试过这段代码,所以如果您需要了解更多关于 sinon 存根的信息,请参考官方文档。
