首页 > 解决方案 > SQL over 子句 - 将分区划分为编号的子分区



AccountId DebitCredit AsOfDate
--------- ----------- ----------
aaa       d           2018-11-01
aaa       d           2018-11-02
aaa       c           2018-11-03
aaa       c           2018-11-04
aaa       c           2018-11-05
bbb       d           2018-11-02
ccc       c           2018-11-01
ccc       d           2018-11-02
ccc       d           2018-11-03
ccc       c           2018-11-04
ccc       d           2018-11-05
ccc       c           2018-11-06

在上面的示例中,我想将子分区号分配给 AccountId 和 DebitCredit 的组合,其中分区号在每次 DebitCredit 移动时递增。换句话说,在上面的例子中,我想要这个结果:

AccountId DebitCredit AsOfDate   PartNo
--------- ----------- ---------- ------
aaa       d           2018-11-01      1
aaa       d           2018-11-02      1
aaa       c           2018-11-03      2
aaa       c           2018-11-04      2
aaa       c           2018-11-05      2

bbb       d           2018-11-02      1

ccc       c           2018-11-01      1
ccc       d           2018-11-02      2
ccc       d           2018-11-03      2
ccc       c           2018-11-04      3
ccc       d           2018-11-05      4
ccc       c           2018-11-06      5


在这个例子中,我们保证所有账户都有连续的行。但是,当然,客户可能会在当月 15 日开立账户和/或在 26 日关闭他的账户。

挑战将在 MSSQL 2016 服务器上解决,但可以在 2012(甚至可能是 2008r2)上运行的解决方案会很好。


标签: sqlsql-servertsqlsql-server-2016ranking-functions


你可以用递归 cte 做到这一点

; with
-- the purpose of `cte` is to generate running number in the order of AsOfDate
cte as
    select  AccountId, DebitCredit, AsOfDate, rn = row_number() over (partition by AccountId order by AsOfDate)
    from    tbl
-- this is the recursive CTE
rcte as
    -- anchor member. Starts with `PartNo 1`
    select  AccountId, DebitCredit, AsOfDate, rn, PartNo = 1
    from    cte
    where   rn  = 1

    union all

    -- recursive member. Incrememt `PartNo` if there is a change in debitcredit
    select  c.AccountId, c.DebitCredit, c.AsOfDate, c.rn,
            PartNo = case when r.DebitCredit = c.DebitCredit then r.PartNo else r.PartNo + 1 end
    from    rcte r
            inner join cte c    on  r.AccountId = c.AccountId
                                and r.rn        = c.rn - 1
select  *
from    rcte
order by AccountId, AsOfDate
