首页 > 解决方案 > Markdown 嵌套列表选项卡已关闭


我在 Markdown(在 readme.io 上)中有一个嵌套列表,其编码如下:

 1. Select **New Email** from the top right of the **Suggested Post** window.  
 - **Add A Photo**
 - **Insert Showcase Link**: Adds a link as a central focus of the email by including an image, header, brief description and URL of the link.

  *If the recipient clicks the showcase link **or any link** within the email, the action will be tracked and analytic data collected. This information can be viewed within the **Performance** section.*

  -  **Insert Variable**:  Include a variable within the body or subject of your message. Click within the body or subject line areas then select **Insert Variable** where the variable should appear in the message. Variable information can be either **Contact** or **Agent** information. Users can select from **First Name**, **Last Name**, and **Email**.  
  - **Modification Rule**: A rule specifying how a post can be modified can be selected by choosing optional, prohibited or required.  
    * **Optional**: The text can be modified.  
    * **Prohibited**: The text cannot be modified. **Note**: Only email content set to **Prohibited** will appear in the Hearsay Mobile Application within the **Outreach** tab under **Email Templates**.  
    * **Required**: The post will have sections enclosed in brackets that require the user to edit prior to being published.   


  1. 从Suggested Post窗口 的右上角选择新电子邮件。

    • 添加照片
    • 插入展示链接:通过包含链接的图像、标题、简要说明和 URL,将链接添加为电子邮件的中心焦点。


    • 插入变量:在消息的正文或主题中包含一个变量。在正文或主题行区域内单击,然后选择变量应出现在消息中的位置。变量信息可以是联系人代理信息。用户可以从名字姓氏电子邮件中进行选择。
    • 修改规则:可以通过选择可选、禁止或必需来选择指定如何修改帖子的规则。
    • 可选:可以修改文本。
    • 禁止:不能修改文本。注意:只有设置为“禁止”的电子邮件内容才会出现在“传闻”移动应用程序中“电子邮件模板”下的“外展”选项卡中。
    • 必需:帖子将包含在括号中的部分,要求用户在发布之前进行编辑。





标签: listnestedmarkdownreadme.io

