首页 > 解决方案 > Apache UIMA:在运行时修改字典注释器


Apache UIMA 字典* 是编译时对象。字典必须预先定义。


*由 IBM Watson Explorer Content Analytics 实施


标签: apachedictionaryuima


The dictionaries are loaded at the first use of the engine. What I did in a previous project was that I add a filewatch to the directory that contains all the ruta logic (ruta scripts and additional resources) and at a change event, I started in a background thread a new engine. After the new engine is loaded I send a dummy request into the engine (so everything is initialized) and when that's completed I replaced the live engine with the new engine.

With that approach we had a system where we can did live updates to ruleset. (scripts, configuration and dictionary entries)
