首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 pandas 多索引进行搜索优化


我想知道是否有办法优化我正在做的搜索。我有一个多索引(3 级)数据框df,如下所示:

IndexID IndexDateTime IndexAttribute ColumnA ColumnB
   1      2015-02-05        8           A       B
   1      2015-02-05        7           C       D
   1      2015-02-10        7           X       Y

2015-02-10我的问题是我想知道给定日期是否有数据ColumnA,例如在给定日期(在这种情况IndexIDIndexAttribute为 5)之前的给定日期(在本例中为 5)是否有数据列,像这样:

IndexID IndexDateTime IndexAttribute ColumnA ColumnB NewColumn
   1      2015-02-05        8           A       B       -1
   1      2015-02-05        7           C       D       -1
   1      2015-02-10        7           X       Y        C

我想在我的数据框中的每一行上执行这个搜索,它有 1900 万行。我这样做的方式是:

df['NewColumn'] = df.apply(lambda r: get_data(df, r.IndexID, r.IndexDateTime , r.IndexAttribute , 5), axis=1)


def get_data(df, IndexID, IndexDateTime , IndexAttribute , days_before):
    idx = pd.IndexSlice
    date = (IndexID - pd.to_timedelta(days_before, 'd'))
        res = df.loc[idx[IndexID, date, IndexAttribute ],'ColumnA']
        return res
    except KeyError:
        return -1



标签: python-3.xpandassearchoptimizationmulti-index


使用 numpy 可以非常快。您只需要将数据框中的列作为 numpy 数组进行迭代。希望能帮助到你:

def myfunc(df, days_before=5):

     # Fill A column witH -1s
     result = -np.ones_like(df.values[:, -1:])

     # Slice the first 3 columns and shift the dates 
     # to get the index that we are looking for
     idx = np.array((df['IndexID'].values,
                     df['IndexDateTime'] - pd.to_timedelta(days_before, 'd'),

     # Look for days matching in the first 3 columns
     _idx_comp = df.values[:, :3][np.newaxis, :] == np.array(idx)[:, np.newaxis]

     # Get the index where there is a match
     # between the row of the dataframe and the desired searched rows
     idx_found = np.where(np.all(_idx_comp, axis=-1))

     # Assign the corresponding rows to its required value
     result[idx_found[0]] = df['ColumnA'].values[idx_found[-1]]

     return result


CPU times: user 2 µs, sys: 1e+03 ns, total: 3 µs
Wall time: 5.96 µs

   IndexID IndexDateTime  IndexAttribute ColumnA ColumnB NewColumn
0        1    2015-02-05               8       A       B        -1
1        1    2015-02-05               7       C       D        -1
2        1    2015-02-10               7       X       Y         C
