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I want to see which GTM tag was fired by looking at the network tab in Chrome dev tools. Unfortunately, it looks that the data is compressed or something.

I'm in this situation because Google AMP pages don't allow the nice web based GTM debugger that's usually available. Thus you must use dev tools for QA.

The http calls use GET and have a path of /collect. I've expanded everything I can find and no dice.

Here's the summary line from my network tab:


I'm not sure if including a picture of my network tab would be useful since there's just so much information.

Any help is appreciated. There are quite a number of sites that tell you to use the network tab to debug GTM. But, I can't find any that help with deciphering its contents.

标签: google-tag-manageramp-html


/collect 是 Google Analytics 的端点。“t”参数表示这是什么类型的命中——在这种情况下,它是一个事件,由“ec”(事件类别)、“ea”(事件动作)和“el”(事件标签)进一步确认。

所以这是(如您所知)Google Analytics(分析)事件跟踪调用。然而,它不是一个有效的调用,因为强制参数(“ec”和“ea”)是空的。

唉,您无法从网络调用中获取 GTM 标签的名称。您必须启用预览模式,逐步浏览不同的 GTM 事件(调试面板的左侧)以查看它们是否触发 GA 代码。然后在预览面板的“标签”窗格中,您必须查看 GA 标签(单击标签信息中的“更多”链接)以查看哪个标签发送空值。
