首页 > 解决方案 > how to use both the log writer and app insights within azure function?


I'd like to send trace and other events to both the ILogger as well as application insights.

I know that I can simply do this:

    [FunctionName ("OnSomethingHttpTriggered")]
    public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task RunAsync ([QueueTrigger ("myq", Connection = "StorageAccountConnection")] string payload, ILogger log) {
        var telemetry = new TelemetryClient {
        InstrumentationKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY")
        log.LogInformation ($"C# Queue trigger function processed: {payload}");
        telemetry.TrackEvent ($"C# Queue trigger function processed: {payload}");

        var isPayloadValidSchema = SchemaValidator.IsValid (payload);
        if (!isPayloadValidSchema) {
            log.LogError ($"This visit is not valid {payload}");
            telemetry.TrackEvent ($"This visit is not valid {payload}");

But as you can see I would need to double my code each time for ILogger and TelemetryClient.

How do I avoid this repetition?

标签: c#.netazureazure-functionsazure-application-insights


我们不需要telemtryclient发送 的输出,一旦我们在应用程序设置中设置(本地在 local.setting.json 的值中)ILogger,这些将默认显示为 Application Insights中的跟踪。APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY我们telemtryclient用来发送自定义遥测数据
