首页 > 解决方案 > Creating a new row whenever a comma appears in the column


I'm trying to create a mini program that will calculate the closest, open restaurant closest to my location. I have a dataset that includes restaurant names, locations, stars, and hours. However, there is a problem: Sometimes a restaurant will have multiple open/close times in a day.

For example:

Name, location, type, and hours

Blue Duck Tavern, 1201 24th St NW, American Restaurant, 6:30-10:30AM, 11:30AM-2PM,5:30-10:30PM

I'm trying to get the data into a CSV, but for restaurants with multiple hours (like in the example), it can't properly parse it.

The easiest solution for this would (I think) create another line with the same information, but the next set of hours. So, the example would then read:

Blue Duck Tavern, 1201 24th St NW, American Restaurant, 6:30-10:30AM

Blue Duck Tavern, 1201 24th St NW, American Restaurant, 11:30AM-2PM

Blue Duck Tavern, 1201 24th St NW, American Restaurant, 5:30-10:30PM

So the program wouldn't show the restaurant if it wasn't open.

So I have three general questions. 1) Is there a better way to go about this than the solution I mentioned above (creating a new row for every iteration of multiple open/close hours) 2) Below, I'm having trouble with the following implementation:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

data = pd.import_csv(data.csv)
for row in data: 
    if data['hours'].str.contains(',') == 'True':
        count = data['hours'].str.count(',')
        <create new row with Name[row], location[row], type[row], and hours[row] for the # of count>

I've tried google-ing around, and I get this error: ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().

So I tried to switch it up to:

if data['Monday'].any('Monday').str.contains(',') == 'True': 

which results in: ValueError: No axis named Monday for object type

And I'm a bit unclear on the next steps here, or what I'm doing wrong, because if I just do:

print data[data['Monday'].astype(str).str.contains(',')]

It works and returns the result. But I can't do any kind of conditional without it throwing an error.

3) I'm also a bit confused on what to do if there are more than one comma in the row.. I have a vague idea, but if you have any hints, I'd love to hear them :)

Thanks for reading!

标签: pythonpandasnumpy


如果我理解正确,您可以使用正则表达式作为分隔符加载数据,确保逗号前面的内容不是AMPM(使用否定的lookbehind)。然后,您可以在将所有不想修改的列设置为索引后使用str.splitand 。stack例如:

data = pd.read_csv('data.csv', sep='(?<!AM|PM),')
# Get rid of spaces in your column names
data.columns = data.columns.str.strip(' ')

>>> data
               Name          location                  type   hours
0  Blue Duck Tavern   1201 24th St NW   American Restaurant   6:30-10:30AM, 11:30AM-2PM,5:30-10:30PM 

new_data = (data.set_index(['Name', 'location', 'type'])
          .hours.str.split(',', expand=True)
          .reset_index(level=['Name', 'location', 'type']))

>>> new_data
               Name          location                  type              0
0  Blue Duck Tavern   1201 24th St NW   American Restaurant   6:30-10:30AM
1  Blue Duck Tavern   1201 24th St NW   American Restaurant    11:30AM-2PM
2  Blue Duck Tavern   1201 24th St NW   American Restaurant   5:30-10:30PM
