首页 > 解决方案 > 尝试在工作表上对形状进行分组时出现“未找到具有指定名称的项目”错误


我正在编写一个 VBA 程序来选择性地对一些圆角矩形进行分组。将有这些组的集合,所以我想将它们存储在一个数组中。(例如,我想让 dataSeriesGroup(1) 拥有一组例如三个圆角矩形,dataSeriesGroup(2) 拥有一组其他三个圆角矩形,依此类推)。我正在尝试使用 .Name 属性将它们分配给组,如下所示:

Dim ctr, ctr2, seriesCount, dataCount as Integer
Dim dataSeriesGroup() as Shape
Dim dataPoint() as Shape
Dim dTop, dLeft, dWidth, dHeight as long
Dim dataPointName as Variant

<Bunch of code to calculate values of dTop, dLeft, dWidth, dHeight, seriesCount, dataCount>

Redim dataSeriesGroup(seriesCount)
Redim dataPoint(dataCount, dataSeriesCount)
Redim dataPointName(dataCount)

For ctr = 1 to seriesCount

 For ctr2 = 1 to dataCount
   Set dataPoint(ctr2, ctr) = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRoundedRectangle, dLeft, dTop, dWidth, dHeight)
   dataPointName(ctr2) = dataPoint(ctr2, ctr).Name
 Next ctr2

Set dataSeriesGroup(ctr) = Activesheet.Shapes(Array(dataPointName)).Group

Next ctr

一切正常,但是当我尝试设置 dataSeriesGroup(ctr) 时出现错误“运行时错误'-2147352571 (80020005)':找不到具有指定名称的项目。”


标签: excelvbashapes


问题在于datapointName声明变量的方式。您想要构建一个与函数返回的行为相同的数组,该Array函数返回一个从零开始的 Variants 数组

Dim datapointName() As Variant '<== Notice the parentheses.

小心 ReDims,因为您通常不希望在数组的远端悬空 Empty 值,因此:

ReDim dataPointName(0 To dataCount - 1) '<== That's dataCount elements!


最后,使用集合的Range属性Shapes获取子集,并删除对 的调用Array(),因为 dataPointName 已经是:

Set dataSeriesGroup(seriesIndex) = ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(dataPointName).Group


Sub DoTheShapesThing()
    'Note: in VBA, to each variable its type; otherwise: Variant.
    'I've renamed some variables for clarity.
    Dim seriesIndex As Integer
    Dim dataIndex As Integer
    Dim seriesCount As Integer
    Dim dataCount As Integer
    Dim dataSeriesGroup() As Shape
    Dim dataPoint() As Shape
    'Haven't altered your position and size variables, but the type should typically be Double.
    Dim dTop As Long
    Dim dLeft As Long
    Dim dWidth As Long
    Dim dHeight As Long
    Dim dataPointName() As Variant '<== Here, the parentheses make all the difference! You want an array of Variants, just like the Array function returns.

    'I've added this declaration for the code to compile. REMOVE IT! You've probably declared this variable elsewhere.
    Dim dataseriesCount As Long

    'Test values...
    seriesCount = 2
    dataCount = 2
    dataseriesCount = seriesCount '<== Note that dataseriesCount must be >= seriesCount so the code below doesn't go "Subscript out of range".
    dLeft = 100: dTop = 100: dWidth = 100: dHeight = 100

    ReDim dataSeriesGroup(0 To seriesCount - 1)
    ReDim dataPoint(0 To dataCount - 1, 0 To dataseriesCount - 1)
    ReDim dataPointName(0 To dataCount - 1)

    For seriesIndex = 0 To seriesCount - 1
        For dataIndex = 0 To dataCount - 1
            'Took some liberties with shape disposition here...
            Set dataPoint(dataIndex, seriesIndex) = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape( _
                msoShapeRoundedRectangle, _
                dLeft + 10 * (seriesIndex + dataIndex), _
                dTop + 10 * (seriesIndex + dataIndex), _
                dWidth, _

            dataPointName(dataIndex) = dataPoint(dataIndex, seriesIndex).Name
        Next dataIndex

        Set dataSeriesGroup(seriesIndex) = ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(dataPointName).Group
    Next seriesIndex
End Sub
