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I need to display a crypto currency price graph based similar to what is done on CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/

There could be gigabytes of data for one currency pair over a long period of time, so sending all the data to the client is not an option. After doing some research I ended up using a Douglas-Peucker Line Approximation Algorithm: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/18936/A-C-Implementation-of-Douglas-Peucker-Line-Appro It allows to reduce the amount of dots that is sent to the client but there's one problem: every time there's new data I have to go through all the data on the server and as I'd like to update data on the client in real time, it takes a lot of resources.

So I'm thinking about a some kind of progressive algorithm where, let's say, if I need to display data for the last month I can split data into 5 minute intervals, preprocess only the last interval and when it's completed, remove the first one. I'm debating either customising the Douglas-Peucker algorithm (but I'm not sure if it fits this scenario) or finding an algorithm designed for this purpose (any hint would be highly appreciated)

标签: algorithmgraph



  • 这就是我的处理方式:

你的减分应该是原样。假设您每秒都在获取数据,并且您已经计算了 5 分钟间隔图的减少点,请将这些数据点保存在限制队列中。现在收集接下来 5 分钟的所有秒数数据,并对这 600 个数据点执行归约操作,并将最终归约点添加到限制队列中。

我会让队列同步,只要有 API 调用,主线程就会返回队列中的数据点。一旦整个 5 分钟间隔的数据可用,工作线程将计算 5 分钟数据的减少点。
