首页 > 解决方案 > 无法使用 powershell 导出“Microsoft.DataFactory/factories”架构


我正在尝试为我拥有 Azure 数据工厂的资源组导出 ARM 模板,但是当使用“Export-AzureRmResourceGroup”时,它会引发如下警告,并且在该模板中没有下载任何 ADF 架构。有没有办法使用 powershell 下载 ADF 模板?

Export-AzureRmResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName ****************
WARNING: ExportTemplateCompletedWithErrors : Export template operation completed with errors. Some resources were not exported. Please see details for more information.
WARNING: ResourceTypeSchemaNotFound : The schema of resource type 'Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces' is not available. Resources of this type will not be exported to the template.
WARNING: ResourceTypeSchemaNotFound : The schema of resource type '**Microsoft.DataFactory/factories**' is not available. Resources of this type will not be exported to the template.
WARNING: ResourceTypeSchemaNotFound : The schema of resource type 'Microsoft.Portal/dashboards' is not available. Resources of this type will not be exported to the template.

标签: powershellazure-data-factoryarm-template


这是因为那些“ResourceTypeSchemas”不能在 ARM 模板中使用。进入门户尝试获取资源模板也没关系。它也会在那里显示相同的错误。
