首页 > 解决方案 > Less ugly way to use sed to simply include a new line?


There are a lot of guides, handbooks, fast-guides, question/answers about it: no one are simple and objective...

It is a classical problem, near all text editors crashes with big files XML or HTML "all in one line", so we need to decide what tag will recive the \n and replace all occurences of <tag by \n<tag ... so simple. Why it is not simple to do by terminal?

The best question/answer about this case not solves: Bash: How can I replace a string by new line in osx bash?
Example using that solution: sed 's/<article/\'$'\n\n<article/g' file.htm not works, need some more exotical syntax, so it is not simple as I solicitated in this question.

So, this quetion is not about "any solution", but about "some simple/elegant solution".

标签: sed



sed 's/<tag>/\n<tag>/g' file.htm

