首页 > 解决方案 > 用for循环填充Excel文件


我正在尝试使用 for 循环填充 Excel 文件,填充的逻辑是每 189 个结果执行一次,例如:

从 A1 填充到 A189 从 B1 填充到 B189

目前我有一个代码可以在第一行 A 上正常工作,但问题是当我尝试使用 B、C、D 等时。


'' I don't need first 4 results.
'' Total rows in this case is 569
For index as Integer = 5 To totalRows Step 1
    Dim column as Integer = 2

    '' var used to know if row is completed and change the ExcelProcess method
    If rowsCompleted = 1 Then

        '' realRows = 569 / 3 rounded down = 189
        '' Flag initial value = 5 and is used as a internal index value instead of index var at for loop.
        If flag <= realRows Then
            '' copy
            '' Excel Range = spreadsheet1.Cells(index, 7)
            '' paste
            '' Excel Range = spreadsheet2.Cells(8 * rowsCompleted - 6, index)

            flag = flag + 1
            '' copy
            '' Excel Range = spreadsheet1.Cells(index + 2, 7)

            flag = flag + 1

            '' paste
            '' Excel Range = spreadshee2.Cells(8 * rowsCompleted - 6, flag)
        End If
        rowsCompleted = rowsCompleted + 1
        flag = 5
    End If


第一行包含 190 行,但不需要第一行,所以我只需要 189 行并从 5 开始。第二行和第三行包含 189 行,所以没有问题。我也需要从 5 行开始。

我还发现,我的代码第一行在 190 处结束。第二行必须在 379 处结束,但我发现它在 381 或 382 处结束。所以我认为问题可能出在我的 for 循环和索引或标志变量上。

另外我认为问题可能在于使用此代码复制值: Excel Range = spreadsheet1.Cells(index + 2, 7)因为我正在添加 + 2。

标签: excelvbavb.net



spreadsheet2.range("A2").PasteSpecial xlpastevalues

一开始你说的不是很清楚你想要实现什么,Fill from A1 to A189 Fill from B1 to B189但是你说 A 到 D 列这很好。


First row contains 190 rows but the first one is not needed so I only need 189 rows and start on 5. second and third row contains 189 rows so there is no problem. Also I need to start on 5 row.

Also I found that with my code the first row ends fine on 190. second row must ends on 379 but I found that ends on 381 or 382. So I think that maybe the problem is with my for loop and index or flag vars.

当你说第一行包含 190 行但不需要第一行时,我很难理解你的意思(我假设你想要第 2 到 190 行?)但是你说你需要它从 5 行开始,所以我是不确定您是否希望它从第 5 行到第 5 行?

然后你说第二行必须在 379 结束,所以除了 190 加倍之外没有多大意义。

