首页 > 解决方案 > How to update documents in SolrCloud using MapReduceIndexerTool?


I am trying to index data to SolrCloud using MapReduceindexerTool. I am successfully indexing using MapReduceindexerTool with option --go-live,which merging resulting index shards into a live SolrCloud cluster.But I find out it fails to update the documents when the document has already been in SolrCloud with the same unique document key. MapReduceindexerTool ignore all the duplicate documents, but I want it updated by the newest version of the very same document, using the same unique key.

Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

标签: mapreducesolrcloud


我找到了这篇文章,目前该工具只能插入文档,不能更新或删除现有的 SOLR 文档。似乎没有计划可以更新/删除现有的 SOLR 文档。
