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The Big Mystery. Find the invisible MsgBox 50 (message box)

This Messagebox is a little different from others.

if I create a normal box with normal MsgBox, test and press CTRL+C from his surfice i get this:


but with this mysterious Message Box i got:


This mysterious box missing the title.

I searched for this mysterious box for two hours (and days before). also a friend that has the script downloaded from github, got the same box, and also not found it into the source.

Today I took extra time and wanted to crack the puzzle. the whole thing recorded on video and put on YouTube.

The best result in the end was I could turn off the box if I slowed down the script. I set in about 10 tootips, each with a 2 second brake behind it. I took the tooltips out again and the box was back again.

the script is pretty big (2.6MB), I can not put it in here into the posting.

I have already asked myself if the JetBrains might have a bug in IDEa search algorithm? Maybe this mysterious message comes from SQLite? any other ideas?

but of course I can give two links:
Source: Release v0.98.50 on github the global-IntelliSense-everywhere
Video (2hours!): Mystery of the invisible MsgBox 50 in AutoHotKey

Screenshot of the Box:

enter image description here

标签: sqliteautohotkey


msgbox,% " ERROR !Sql_Temp.valueObj `n(" A_ThisFunc " " RegExReplace(A_LineFile,".*\\") ":"  A_LineNumber ")" , 50,50

曾几何时,我自动(正则表达式搜索和替换)将一些工具箱移动到相对位置 50 和 50 ( , 50,50)。不知何故,一定发生了错误。并且消息框也填充了这个相对位置值。


" ERROR !Sql_Temp.valueObj `n(" A_ThisFunc " " RegExReplace(A_LineFile,".*\\") ":"  A_LineNumber ")"

