首页 > 解决方案 > Would I run into any problems with having protocols with shared requirements?


protocol House {
    var name : String {get set}
    func changeAddress()

protocol Person {
    var name : String {get set}
    func changeAddress()

class Something : Person, House {
    var name : String

    init (name: String){
        self.name = name
    func changeAddress(){


Likely I'm not going to do anything like this. But I'm asking this question because I'm getting no warning or anything for this. Isn't this a bug? ie the protocol witness table is conforming to two requirements through one conformance and it's hiding some of its variables, had I just changed the variable to something id on one of the protocols then the requirements would have been different, doesn't this at least merit a warning? and then maybe having it silenced by something like @sharedPWT :D

Isn't this code smell in it's nature? Or there are circumstances where this can actually be helpful?

标签: swiftprotocolscompositionswift-protocols




protocol A {
    func f()
extension A {
    func f() { print("A")}
protocol B {
    func f()
extension B {
    func f() { print("B")}
class C:A,B {} // compiler stops you, rightly


这不是一个难闻的气味,事实上,在非常真实的意义上,这种事情在整个标准库中一直在发生。毕竟,协议层次结构是什么,而不是您正在概述的事情的一个例子?说协议 P2 采用协议 P1 只是说 P1 需要什么,P2 也需要什么。
