首页 > 解决方案 > 为每个选定的行获取表格的单元格值?


I'm trying to get a single value of cell per row on a table when a checkbox of this row is selected and get all values of all rows when the "Select all" checkbox is selected too.




<div class="table-responsive row col-md-12" style="margin-top: 3.5%; margin-bottom:1%;  border-bottom: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px;">
<table class="table table-hover tablaReclamaciones"  > 
      <th>Exp. Date</th>
      <th>Past Deu</th>
      <th>Current Balance</th>
      <th>Mount to pay</th>
        <label class="containerCheck"> Select All
          <input type="checkbox" id="selectAll">
      <td>My Home</td>

      <td colspan="7">
        <div class=" row col-md-12" style="background: rgb(243, 243, 243); margin-left: 0.15%;">
          <div class="row col-md-12 " style="color: rgb(253, 120, 43);">
            <h5 class="pull-left" >Details</h5> 
            <h5 class="pull-right arrowDown"  id="2222" data-toggle="collapse" [attr.data-target]="'#' + r.nocontracto"  ><i class="test fa fa-chevron-down "></i></h5>

          <div id={{ r.nocontracto }} class="table-responsive row col-md-12  "  style=" margin-top: 1%;" >
            <table class="table table-hover" style="background: rgb(243, 243, 243)">
                  <th>No. Reference</th>
                  <th>Invoice Date</th>
                  <th>Exp Date</th>
                  <tr *ngFor="let b of r.billing" id="billDetails">
                      <input type="checkbox" class="checkInside" name="invoiceCheck" onclick="singleRow()">
                      RD$ <input type="text" id="amountInput">
                  <tr *ngFor="let b of r.billing" id="billDetails">
                      <input type="checkbox" class="checkInside" name="invoiceCheck" onclick="singleRow()">
                      RD$ <input type="text" id="amountInput">
                  <tr *ngFor="let b of r.billing" id="billDetails">
                      <input type="checkbox" class="checkInside" name="invoiceCheck" onclick="singleRow()">
                      RD$ <input type="text" id="amountInput">


Javacript 代码(用于获取单行的值,但不起作用):

function singleRow() {
let row = document.getElementById('billDetails');
let cells = row.getElementsByTagName('td');

let inputVal = document.getElementById('amountInput').value;

if(!inputVal) {

} else {
    console.log('Columna de Input: ' + inputVal);

标签: javascripttypescript


您可以在 vanilla JavaScript 中尝试以下方式:

  el.addEventListener('change', function(){
    if(this.id == 'selectAll'){
      var trList = document.querySelectorAll('tbody tbody tr'); 
      console.clear(); //clear the console
      console.clear(); //clear the console
      var tdList = this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes;
<div class="table-responsive row col-md-12" style="margin-top: 3.5%; margin-bottom:1%;  border-bottom: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px;">
<table class="table table-hover tablaReclamaciones"  > 
      <th>Exp. Date</th>
      <th>Past Deu</th>
      <th>Current Balance</th>
      <th>Mount to pay</th>
        <label class="containerCheck"> Select All
          <input type="checkbox" id="selectAll">
      <td>My Home</td>

      <td colspan="7">
        <div class=" row col-md-12" style="background: rgb(243, 243, 243); margin-left: 0.15%;">
          <div class="row col-md-12 " style="color: rgb(253, 120, 43);">
            <h5 class="pull-left" >Details</h5> 
            <h5 class="pull-right arrowDown"  id="2222" data-toggle="collapse" [attr.data-target]="'#' + r.nocontracto"  ><i class="test fa fa-chevron-down "></i></h5>

          <div id={{ r.nocontracto }} class="table-responsive row col-md-12  "  style=" margin-top: 1%;" >
            <table class="table table-hover" style="background: rgb(243, 243, 243)">
                  <th>No. Reference</th>
                  <th>Invoice Date</th>
                  <th>Exp Date</th>
                  <tr *ngFor="let b of r.billing" id="billDetails">
                      <input type="checkbox" class="checkInside" name="invoiceCheck" onclick="">
                      RD$ <input type="text" id="amountInput">
                  <tr *ngFor="let b of r.billing" id="billDetails">
                      <input type="checkbox" class="checkInside" name="invoiceCheck" onclick="">
                      RD$ <input type="text" id="amountInput">
                  <tr *ngFor="let b of r.billing" id="billDetails">
                      <input type="checkbox" class="checkInside" name="invoiceCheck" onclick="">
                      RD$ <input type="text" id="amountInput">
