首页 > 解决方案 > 尝试打开工作簿时的 VBA 错误处理


我正在尝试遍历文件夹中的所有文件,打开它们并删除文档信息。我在处理无法打开的文件时遇到问题,或者在打开时弹出我们关于禁用宏的提示。我尝试使用 on error resume next 和 error goto 0 来解决此问题。但随后出现运行时失败,因为当我尝试关闭确实打开的文件时,我的工作簿对象 (wb) 尚未设置。

我已阅读有关“On Error Resume Next”和“On error goto 0”的文档,但我不相信我在这里正确使用它们。非常感谢任何帮助,谢谢。

Option Explicit
Sub test_Scrubber_New()

Dim directory As String, fileName As String, i As Variant, wb As Workbook
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'directory = "C:\Users\bayli\Desktop\Files for Testing\"
directory = "C:\Users\bayli\Desktop\excel files\"
fileName = Dir(directory & "*.xl??")

i = 0
Do While fileName <> ""
    On Error Resume Next
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(directory & fileName)
    On Error GoTo 0
        'remove info
        ActiveWorkbook.RemoveDocumentInformation (xlRDIAll)
    wb.Close True
    i = i + 1
    fileName = Dir()
    Application.StatusBar = "Files Completed:  " & i

Application.StatusBar = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
MsgBox "Complete"

End Sub

我更新了我的代码以包括: If Not wb Is Nothing 然后按照@PatricK 的建议删除信息并且它正在工作,但是它不断停止并弹出有关更新链接的弹出窗口。如果我单击“不更新”,我的代码会根据需要继续工作,但有没有办法处理这个问题。我正在循环浏览超过 5k 个文件,因此您可以想象它需要一段时间。花费的时间不是问题,但目前我坐在这里不得不多次点击“不更新”。我认为 Application.DisplayAlerts = False 会阻止这些弹出窗口,但事实并非如此。

标签: excelvbaerror-handling


好的,所以这里有几个问题。首先,关于错误处理。当您使用内联错误处理 ( On Error Resume Next) 时,基本模式是关闭自动错误处理,运行您想要“捕获”错误的代码行,然后测试Err.Number是否为零:

On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    'handle it.
End If
On Error GoTo 0

其余问题涉及您在打开工作簿时可能遇到的对话框。大部分内容都记录在MSDN 页面Workbook.Open,但您需要更改Application.AutomationSecurity属性以根据需要处理宏提示。对于更新,您应该传递适当的UpdateLinks参数。我还建议指定IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended,NotifyCorruptLoad. 像这样的东西应该可以工作(未经测试),或者至少让你更接近:

Sub TestScrubberNew() 'Underscores should be avoided in method names.

    Dim directory As String, fileName As String, i As Variant, wb As Workbook
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Dim security As MsoAutomationSecurity
    security = Application.AutomationSecurity
    Application.AutomationSecurity = msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable

    directory = "C:\Users\bayli\Desktop\excel files\"
    fileName = Dir(directory & "*.xl??")

    i = 0
    Do While fileName <> vbNullString
        On Error Resume Next
        Set wb = Workbooks.Open(fileName:=directory & fileName, _
                                UpdateLinks:=0, _
                                IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended:=True, _
                                Notify:=False, _
        If Err.Number = 0 And Not wb Is Nothing Then
            On Error GoTo 0
            wb.RemoveDocumentInformation xlRDIAll
            wb.Close True
            i = i + 1
            Application.StatusBar = "Files Completed:  " & i
            fileName = Dir()
            On Error GoTo 0
            'Handle (maybe log?) file that didn't open.
        End If

    Application.AutomationSecurity = security
    Application.StatusBar = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    MsgBox "Complete"

End Sub
