首页 > 解决方案 > NSIS 获取产品版本解决方案失败


我一直在尝试使用系统调用 GetFileVersionInfo 和 VerQueryValue 来获取 exe 的产品版本。我使用的是旧版 NSIS v2.0b3(很多脚本已经在使用,只是想做一点点改动)。

在搜索了一段时间后,我 从一个 exe 中看到了这个解决方案产品版本字符串 - nssis ...但是在让它正常工作时遇到问题。


System::Call 'VERSION::GetFileVersionInfo(tr3,i,ir4,ir5)i.r0'
MessageBox MB_OK "GetFileVersionInfo returned dwLen=[$4] and lpData=[$5] for the block of Version Info"

...以 5 美元显示一个合理的 ptr。下一个电话是事情出错的地方......

System::Call 'VERSION::VerQueryValue(ir5,t"\",*i.r6,*i.r7)i.r0'
StrCmp $0 0 fail
MessageBox MB_OK "VS_FIXEDFILEINFO returned as lplpBuffer=[$6] and PUINT=[$7]"

此调用为 6 美元和 7 美元返回 0,0。然后当然解析失败......

;;---Parse buffer at $6 (lplp)
System::Call '*$6(i,i,i,i,i.r2,i.r1)'
MessageBox MB_OK "Read data from struct @$6: skip 4 ints then ints are dwProductVersionMS:[$2] dwProductVersionLS:[$1]"

...返回 0,0。

我认为问题是这里的 $6 中的间接指针。也就是说,$6 是类型 LPVOID *lplpBuffer ....所以我认为设置 $6 值的调用的语法可能需要不同。



Function GetDllProductVersion
; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34616470/nsis-get-product-version?rq=1
; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38707235/product-version-string-from-an-exe-nsis slightly different System::Call's, but also later nsis not compatible

    ;;System::Store S   ;;;removed this and the matching Store L, as that crashes
    Pop $3

;;  System::Call 'VERSION::GetFileVersionInfoSize(tr3,*i)i.r4'
;;  MessageBox MB_OK "GetFileVersionInfoSize gets size [$4]"        ; cannot get a sensible answer, returns "error" in $4

    ;;---allocate block, address into $5
    StrCpy $4 0
    IntOp $4 $4 + 10000     ; set $4 to 10000
    System::Call '*(&i$4,t""r1,t""r2)i.r5' ; Set $1 and $2 to "" so they are empty if we fail
    MessageBox MB_OK "System::Call allocs [$4] bytes at addr [$5], next call GetFileVersionInfo"
    StrCmp $4 0 fail
    StrCmp $5 0 fail

    ;;---GetFileVersionInfo now-----
    System::Call 'VERSION::GetFileVersionInfo(tr3,i,ir4,ir5)i.r0'       ;; ir5 not isr5 ?? diff between solutions
    StrCmp $0 0 fail
    MessageBox MB_OK "GetFileVersionInfo returned dwLen=[$4] and lpData=[$5] for the block of Version Info"

    ;;---Now we get the VS_FIXEDFILEINFO structure using $5.... $6 will be lplpBuffer for it and $7 will be PUINT ptr to size of data in lplpBuffer
    System::Call 'VERSION::VerQueryValue(ir5,t"\",*i.r6,*i.r7)i.r0'     ;; using &i.r6 etc, not *i.r6 gives 0,0 no good, go back to *
    StrCmp $0 0 fail
    MessageBox MB_OK "VS_FIXEDFILEINFO returned as lplpBuffer=[$6] and PUINT=[$7]"

    ;;---Parse buffer at $6 (lplp)
    System::Call '**$6(i,i,i,i,i.r2,i.r1)'
    MessageBox MB_OK "Read data from struct @$6: skip 4 ints then ints are dwProductVersionMS:[$2] dwProductVersionLS:[$1]"

    System::Call '**$6(i,i,i,i,&i.r2,&i.r1)'
    MessageBox MB_OK "Read data using & from struct @$6: skip 4 ints then ints are dwProductVersionMS:[$2] dwProductVersionLS:[$1]"

System::Free $5

    MessageBox MB_OK "After System::Free [$5]"
Push $1
Push $2
;;System::Store L       ;;;this crashes!!! so push and pop indiv registers used

标签: nsis


我无法解释为什么会System::Store崩溃,即使在 v2.0b3 中它也可以正常工作。再说一次,您使用的是 15 年前的测试版软件,所以您不能指望一切都能正常工作。可能与在 v2.23(11 年前)中修复的错误 #1620178 有关。

您的主要问题是 v2.0b3 不自动支持带后缀的函数名称A(大多数函数采用/返回字符串)。似乎在 v2.0b4 中添加了对此的支持。


Function GetDllProductVersion
Exch $3
Push $1
Push $2
Exch 2
Push $4
Push $5
Push $6
Push $7
Push $0
System::Call 'VERSION::GetFileVersionInfoSizeA(tr3,*i)i.r4'
System::Call '*(&i$4,t""r1,t""r2)i.r5' ; Set $1 and $2 to "" so they are empty if we fail
StrCmp $4 0 fail
StrCmp $5 0 fail
    System::Call 'VERSION::GetFileVersionInfoA(tr3,i,ir4,ir5)i.r0'
    StrCmp $0 0 fail
    System::Call 'VERSION::VerQueryValueA(ir5,t"\",*i.r6,*i.r7)i.r0'
    StrCmp $0 0 fail
    System::Call '*$6(i,i,i,i,i.r2,i.r1)'
System::Free $5
Pop $0
Pop $7
Pop $6
Pop $5
Pop $4
Pop $3
Exch $1
Exch $2

!define DllName "c:\windows\system32\ComCtl32.dll"

Push "${DllName}"
Call GetDllProductVersion
Pop $R0
Pop $R1
IntOp $R2 $R0 / 0x00010000
IntOp $R3 $R0 & 0x0000FFFF
IntOp $R4 $R1 / 0x00010000
IntOp $R5 $R1 & 0x0000FFFF
DetailPrint 'ProdVer: $R2.$R3.$R4.$R5'

但我强烈建议您升级到更新的版本。至少 v2.51 以获取所有安全修复程序。
