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如果没有脚本正在运行,是否可以在 shell 中处理 KeyboardInterrupt?

我的问题的背景如下:我使用python通过套接字连接向电机控制器发送命令。该函数将电机的目标位置发送到控制器并立即返回,即在电机实际到达其目标位置之前。现在可能会发生用户输入错误位置并希望尽快中断电机运动的情况。这可以通过输入 stop() 来完成,它会向控制器发送停止命令。但是如果可以通过按Ctrl+C来停止电机会更直观更快。有没有办法让python在没有脚本运行的情况下通过按Ctrl+C来执行一个函数?

我知道如何在正在运行的脚本中处理 KeyboardInterrupt 异常或 signal.SIGINT,但找不到任何关于如何解决我的目标的提示。


标签: pythonkeyboardinterrupt


If the controller can handle having multiple connections to the socket, you can launch an entire new process that makes use of the keyboard module to listen for ctrl+c and then have that process send the stop command to controller.

First install the keyboard package from pypi

pip install keyboard

Create a file to listen for ctrl+c:

# file named 'wait_stop.py

import keyboard

# code here to establish connection to controller

def wait_stop():
    print('sending stop signal')
    # function that sends stop signal here...
    # ...
    # call wait_stop again to continue listening.

if __name__ == '__main__':

Now you can launch the process in a separate shell via:

python wait_stop.py

As long as the wait_stop process shell is NOT the active window, hitting ctrl+c will cause send the stop() function to the controller. If the window is active, it will also kill the wait_stop.py process.
