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INCLUDE io.h            ; header file for input/output

.STACK 4096

studentName         DWORD   ?
degreeName              DWORD   ?
creditsCompleted        DWORD   ?
creditsNeeded           DWORD   ?

prompt1 BYTE    "Enter your Name:", 0
prompt2 BYTE    "Enter your Degree Name:", 0
prompt3 BYTE    "Enter the number of Credits Completed:", 0
prompt4 BYTE    "Enter the number of Credits Required:", 0
string  BYTE    40 DUP (?)

resultLbl BYTE  "The Credits left to complete are:", 0
sum     BYTE    40 DUP (?), 0

_MainProc PROC
    input   prompt1, string, 40      ; read ASCII characters
    atod    string          ; convert to integer
    mov     studentName, ebx    ; store in memory

    input   prompt2, string, 40      ; repeat for second number
    atod    string
    mov     degreeName, ecx

    input   prompt3, string, 40
    atod    string 
    mov     creditsCompleted,edx

    input   prompt4, string, 40
    atod    string 
    mov     creditsNeeded,eax

    mov     eax, creditsNeeded     
    sub     eax, creditsCompleted    
    dtoa    sum, eax        
    output  resultLbl, sum  

_MainProc ENDP
END                             ; end of source code


标签: assemblyx86masm

