首页 > 解决方案 > 在 x86_64 程序集中将一个 .data 和一个 .bss 字符串连接在一起



<name> is your name?


section .data
    promptText: db "What is your name: ", 0
    promptTextLength: equ $ - promptText
    secondText: db " is your name?", 0

section .bss
    name resb 15

section .text:
    global _start


    ; Print prompt message
    mov rax, 1
    mov rdi, 1
    mov rsi, promptText
    mov rdx, promptTextLength

    ; Get name
    mov rax, 0
    mov rdi, 0
    mov rsi, name
    mov rdx, 15

    ; Somehow concatenate "name" and "secondText"

    ; Print second message
    mov rax, 1
    mov rdi, 1
    mov rsi, nameAndSecondText
    mov rdx, nameAndSecondTextLength

    ; Exit 0
    mov rax, 60
    mov rdi, 0

因此,几乎添加nameand secondText,然后将它们打印到终端。




PS 抱歉,如果我使用了错误的术语,我已经习惯了更高级别的语言,如 Python、C 等。

标签: assembly64-bitnasmx86-64


您不需要字符串的终止 NUL,因为您不使用检查此字符的函数。

删除中的冒号section .text:。然后就可以用 GDB 调试程序了。

我建议secondText直接附加到输入的名称。为此,您必须为变量保留更多空间name。SYS_READ 没有注意到这一点,因此在调用 SYS_READ 之后空格保持空白。

section .data
    promptText:         db "What is your name: "
    promptTextLength:   equ $ - promptText
    secondText:         db " is your name?", 10
    secondTextLength:   equ $ - secondText

section .bss
    name resb 15 + secondTextLength ; Space for input and appended string

section .text
global _start


    ; Print prompt message
    mov rax, 1                  ; SYS_WRITE - http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/write.2.html
    mov rdi, 1                  ; fd = STDOUT
    mov rsi, promptText         ; *buf
    mov rdx, promptTextLength   ; Count of bytes to write
    syscall                     ; Call Linux

    ; Get name
    mov rax, 0                  ; SYS_READ - http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/read.2.html
    mov rdi, 0                  ; fd = STDIN
    mov rsi, name               ; *buf
    mov rdx, 15                 ; Max count of bytes to read
    syscall                     ; Call Linux - return EAX = number of bytes read
    dec rax                     ; number of bytes read without ENTER

    ; Append secondText
    mov rsi, secondText         ; *source
    mov rdi, name               ; *dest
    add rdi, rax                ; Set pointer one byte behind the real name
    mov rcx, secondTextLength   ; Count of bytes to copy
    lea rbx, [rax + rcx]        ; Save the total length of the string
    rep movsb                   ; Copy RCX bytes from [RSI] to [RDI]

    ; Print name (input + second message)
    mov rax, 1                  ; SYS_WRITE - http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/write.2.html
    mov rdi, 1                  ; fd = STDOUT
    mov rsi, name               ; *buf
    mov rdx, rbx                ; Count of bytes to write (RBX was saved above)
    syscall                     ; Call Linux

    ; Exit (0)
    mov rax, 60                 ; SYS_EXIT
    mov rdi, 0                  ; Exitcode
    syscall                     ; Call Linux / no return
