首页 > 解决方案 > 在句子中查找单词并创建指示变量



Cats are good pets, for they are clean and are not noisy.
Abstraction is often one floor above you.
She wrote a long letter to Charlie, but he didn't read it.
Where do random thoughts come from?
Mary plays the piano.
I want more detailed information.
I'd rather be a bird than a fish.
When I was little I had a car door slammed shut on my hand. I still remember it quite vividly.
Malls are great places to shop; John can find everything he needs under one roof.
My Mum tries to be cool by saying that she likes all the same things that I do.

name == 1如果找到名称,如何创建变量?

name == 2如果句子中的任何单词与我选择的单词匹配(例如letter) ,我也希望有变量。


gen name = regexm(sentence, "letter* & (Charlie | Mary | John)*")` 

但是,这不起作用。我只得到name == 0所有的观察。

标签: stata


正则表达式很棒,但 Catch-22 是您必须非常努力地学习该语言;如果你精通了,那么你就会看到好处。

我将把它留给其他答案来提供智能正则表达式解决方案。这里的目的是强调其他字符串函数也可以使用。在这里,我利用了一个事实strpos(),如果它在另一个字符串中找到一个字符串,则返回一个肯定的结果,相当于 true。此外,Stata 将解析成单词,因此即使(例如)当且仅当它是一个单词时才找到一个字符串,从第一原理来看并不太难。

input strL whatever 
"Cats are good pets, for they are clean and are not noisy."
"Abstraction is often one floor above you."
"She wrote a long letter to Charlie, but he didn't read it."
"Where do random thoughts come from?"
"Mary plays the piano."
"I want more detailed information."
"I'd rather be a bird than a fish."
"When I was little I had a car door slammed shut on my hand. I still remember it quite vividly."
"Malls are great places to shop; John can find everything he needs under one roof."
"My Mum tries to be cool by saying that she likes all the same things that I do."

gen wanted1 = strpos(whatever, "Charlie") | strpos(whatever, "Mary") | strpos(whatever, "John") 

* cat or cats as a word 
gen wanted2 = 0 
gen wordcount = wordcount(whatever) 
su wordcount, meanonly 
local J = r(max) 
quietly foreach w in cat cats { 
    forval j = 1/`J' { 
        replace wanted2 = 1 if word(lower(whatever), `j') == "`w'" 

gen what = substr(whatever, 1, 40) 
list wanted? what, sep(0) 

     | wanted1   wanted2                                       what |
  1. |       0         1   Cats are good pets, for they are clean a |
  2. |       0         0   Abstraction is often one floor above you |
  3. |       1         0   She wrote a long letter to Charlie, but  |
  4. |       0         0        Where do random thoughts come from? |
  5. |       1         0                      Mary plays the piano. |
  6. |       0         0          I want more detailed information. |
  7. |       0         0          I'd rather be a bird than a fish. |
  8. |       0         0   When I was little I had a car door slamm |
  9. |       1         0   Malls are great places to shop; John can |
 10. |       0         0   My Mum tries to be cool by saying that s |
