首页 > 解决方案 > Test count is more than data count of data-provider in CodeCeption


I have a Cest in CodeCeption which uses a dataProvider:


class MyCest
     * @param \Codeception\Example $example
     * @dataProvider MyDataProvider
    public function MyTestCase(Codeception\Example $example)
        echo "Name: ", $example['name'], ", Age: ", $example['age'];

    public function MyDataProvider() {
        $data = [
            ["name" => 'Alice', "age" => 20],
            ["name" => 'Tom', "age" => 35],
            ["name" => 'Bob', "age" => 60],
        return $data;

As you see, it returns 3 data items, but when I run the test the log says we have 4 tests:

zeinab@zeinab:~/PhpstormProjects/api-testing$ php vendor/bin/codecept run tests/api/MyCest.php 
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.5.1
Powered by PHPUnit 7.1.5 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Running with seed: 

Api Tests (4) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
✔ MyCest: My test case | "Alice",20 (0.00s)ice, Age: 20
✔ MyCest: My test case | "Tom",35 (0.00s)m, Age: 35
✔ MyCest: My test case | "Bob",60 (0.00s)b, Age: 60
✔ MyCest: My data provider (0.00s)

Time: 63 ms, Memory: 10.00MB

OK (4 tests, 0 assertions)

I reviewed PHPUnit DataProvider documentation; its example implies that the number of tests are equal to the number of data items returned from dataProvider method.

It seems call of the dataProvider has been counted as a test case itself.

标签: phpphpunitcodeception


