首页 > 解决方案 > sum values in dictionary less than a certain value


I have the following dictionary and am trying to make a pie chart from them but I want to only include the top 5 (they are already sorted by value here) and then sum the others together in an Other category i.e. replace Publishing, Fashion, Food etc. with just one Other which sum them all together. Stuck with how to do this so would appreciate any help!

{'Games': 715067930.8599964,
 'Design': 705237125.089998,
 'Technology': 648570433.7599969,
 'Film & Video': 379559714.56000066,
 'Music': 191227757.8699999,
 'Publishing': 130763828.65999977,
 'Fashion': 125678824.47999984,
 'Food': 122781563.58000016,
 'Art': 89078801.8599998,
 'Comics': 70600202.99999984,
 'Theater': 42662109.69999992,
 'Photography': 37709926.38000007,
 'Crafts': 13953818.35000002,
 'Dance': 12908120.519999994,
 'Journalism': 12197353.370000007}

At the moment my pie chart is really overcrowded using this code

groupbycategorypledge = df.groupby('main_category')['usd_pledged_real'].sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
pie = groupbycategorypledge.plot(kind='pie', startangle=90, radius=0.7, title='Amount Pledged by Main category',autopct='%1.1f%%',labeldistance=1.2)

so I have

dict = groupbycategorypledge.sort_values(ascending=False).to_dict()

标签: pythonsortingdictionaryaggregate


您可以在使用 Pandas之前操作您的字典:

from operator import itemgetter

# sort by value descending
items_sorted = sorted(d.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)

# calculate sum of others
others = ('Other', sum(map(itemgetter(1), items_sorted[5:])))

# construct dictionary
d = dict([*items_sorted[:5], others])


{'Games': 715067930.8599964,
 'Design': 705237125.089998,
 'Technology': 648570433.7599969,
 'Film & Video': 379559714.56000066,
 'Music': 191227757.8699999,
 'Other': 658334549.8999995}
