首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 strcpy() 时出现分段错误


我们添加了打印语句来检查分段错误发生的位置。它在 strcpy(command, token); 处失败;我们如何将该部分存储到命令中?还有一种方法可以检查令牌末尾的空字符吗?strtok() 使用时末尾是否有空字符?

    int main(int argc, char **argv)
  char *command, *flag, *pathname, *linkname;
  struct stat st = {0};
  char cmd[200];
  char *token; //Pointer
  int counter = 1; //Counter variable
  FILE *fp;
  char mode2[] = "0750"; //To set the permission of a file/path
  long j;
  char mode[] = "0640"; //To set the permission of a file/path
  long i;

  fgets(cmd, 200, stdin);
  printf("print for cmd: %s\n", cmd);

  //User input is tokenized to determine the proper commands are entered and executed
  token = strtok(cmd, " "); //Input is tokenized by white spaces.
  printf("token: %s\n", token);

  strcpy(command, token);

    printf("print for command: %s\n", command);

  if(token == NULL)
        printf("Error with command input.\n");

标签: cstrtokstrcpy


在使用 strcpy() 为其赋值之前,您需要初始化 *command 变量。如果您尝试将值分配给 NULL 指针,则会发生分段错误。

正确使用 strcpy() 应该是这样的:

char *str = malloc(3 * sizeof(char));
char sentence[3] = "Hi\0";
strcpy(str, sentence);
printf("%s\n", str);
