首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么 phpldapadmin 在浏览器中显示代码?


我正在尝试为 WiFi 身份验证设置 RADIUS 服务器。我已经成功设置了 Freeradius,并且正在尝试创建一个 OpenLDAP 目录以通过 phpldapadmin 添加用户,但是,我似乎无法让它工作。我按照https://www.techrepublic.com/article...-ubuntu-18-04/上的说明在 Ubuntu 18.04 服务器版上设置了 phpadmin。我安装了 slapd 并重新配置了它。我也安装了 apache2 并将 ports.conf 中的端口更改为 8080。当我导航到 /var/www/html/phpldapadmin/htdocs 时,这是我收到的可爱消息(见下文)。我可以做些什么来解决这个问题?

* phpLDAPadmin Start Page
* @package phpLDAPadmin
* @subpackage Page



If you are seeing this in your browser,
PHP is not installed on your web server!!!


* We will perform some sanity checking here, since this file is normally loaded first when users
* first access the application.

# The index we will store our config in $_SESSION


# General functions needed to proceed.
if (! file_exists(LIBDIR.'functions.php')) {
    if (ob_get_level()) ob_end_clean();
    die(sprintf("Fatal error: Required file '<b>%sfunctions.php</b>' does not exist.",LIBDIR));

if (! is_readable(LIBDIR.'functions.php')) {
    if (ob_get_level()) ob_end_clean();
    die(sprintf("Cannot read the file '<b>%sfunctions.php</b>' its permissions may be too strict.",LIBDIR));

if (ob_get_level())

# Make sure this PHP install has pcre
if (! extension_loaded('pcre'))
    die('<p>Your install of PHP appears to be missing PCRE support.</p><p>Please install PCRE support before using phpLDAPadmin.<br /><small>(Dont forget to restart your web server afterwards)</small></p>');

require LIBDIR.'functions.php';

# Define the path to our configuration file.
if (defined('CONFDIR'))
    $app['config_file'] = CONFDIR.'config.php';
    $app['config_file'] = 'config.php';

# Make sure this PHP install has session support
if (! extension_loaded('session'))
    error('<p>Your install of PHP appears to be missing php-session support.</p><p>Please install php-session support before using phpLDAPadmin.<br /><small>(Dont forget to restart your web server afterwards)</small></p>','error',null,true);

# Make sure this PHP install has gettext, we use it for language translation
if (! extension_loaded('gettext'))
        'title'=>_('Missing required extension'),
        'body'=>'Your install of PHP appears to be missing GETTEXT support.</p><p>GETTEXT is used for language translation.</p><p>Please install GETTEXT support before using phpLDAPadmin.<br /><small>(Dont forget to restart your web server afterwards)</small>',

# Make sure this PHP install has all our required extensions
if (! extension_loaded('ldap'))
        'title'=>_('Missing required extension'),
        'body'=>'Your install of PHP appears to be missing LDAP support.<br /><br />Please install LDAP support before using phpLDAPadmin.<br /><small>(Dont forget to restart your web server afterwards)</small>',

# Make sure that we have php-xml loaded.
if (! function_exists('xml_parser_create'))
        'title'=>_('Missing required extension'),
        'body'=>'Your install of PHP appears to be missing XML support.<br /><br />Please install XML support before using phpLDAPadmin.<br /><small>(Dont forget to restart your web server afterwards)</small>',

 * Helper functions.
 * Our required helper functions are defined in functions.php
if (isset($app['function_files']) && is_array($app['function_files']))
    foreach ($app['function_files'] as $file_name ) {
        if (! file_exists($file_name))
            error(sprintf('Fatal error: Required file "%s" does not exist.',$file_name),'error',null,true);

        if (! is_readable($file_name))
            error(sprintf('Fatal error: Cannot read the file "%s", its permissions may be too strict.',$file_name),'error',null,true);

        require $file_name;
        if (ob_get_level()) ob_end_clean();

# Configuration File check
if (! file_exists($app['config_file'])) {
    error(sprintf(_('You need to configure %s. Edit the file "%s" to do so. An example config file is provided in "%s.example".'),app_name(),$app['config_file'],$app['config_file']),'error',null,true);

}     elseif (! is_readable($app['config_file'])) {
    error(sprintf('Fatal error: Cannot read your configuration file "%s", its permissions may be too strict.',$app['config_file']),'error',null,true);

# If our config file fails the sanity check, then stop now.
if (! $config = check_config($app['config_file'])) {
    $www['page'] = new page();
    $www['body'] = new block();

} else {
    $_SESSION[APPCONFIG] = $config;

if ($uri = get_request('URI','GET'))
header(sprintf('Location: cmd.php?%s',base64_decode($uri)));

if (! preg_match('/^([0-9]+\.?)+/',app_version())) {
        'title'=>_('This is a development version of phpLDAPadmin'),
        'body'=>'This is a development version of phpLDAPadmin! You should <b>NOT</b> use it in a production environment (although we dont think it should do any damage).',

    if (count($_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->untested()))
            'title'=>'Untested configuration paramaters',
            'body'=>sprintf('The following parameters have not been tested. If you have configured these parameters, and they are working as expected, please let the developers know, so that they can be removed from this message.<br/><small>%s</small>',implode(',     ',$_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->untested())),

        $server = $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]-    >getServer(get_request('server_id','REQUEST'));
        if (count($server->untested()))
                'title'=>'Untested server configuration paramaters',
                'body'=>sprintf('The following parameters have not been tested. If you have configured these parameters, and they are working as expected, please let the developers know, so that they can be removed from this message.<br/><small>%s</small>',implode(', ',$server->untested())),

    include './cmd.php'; ?>

标签: apache2openldapubuntu-18.04phpldapadmin


php 没有安装你的网络服务器

sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql


sudo service apache2 restart 
