首页 > 解决方案 > 是否可以使用重复数据加入 2 个视图?


我正在创建一个虚拟数据仓库并尝试加入 2 个单独的视图,每个视图都可以正常工作。但是,当组合在一起时,我的 group by 语句中似乎有一些东西导致数据不正确。

create view CentreSizing as
select CentreID, Name,
  when Capacity between 0 and 199 then 'Small'
  when Capacity between 200 and 900 then 'Medium'
  else 'Large'
end as Size
from Centre;

create view sizeQuantities as
select cs.Size, count(*) as "Occurences" from
CentreSizing cs
group by cs.Size;

create view AvgSpendings2018 as
select cs.Size, monthname(d.DateStamp) as "Month", sum(e.Cost)/quant.Occurences as 
from Expense e join CentreSizing cs on e.CentreID = cs.CentreID
join DateTime d on e.DateTimeID = d.DateTimeID
join sizeQuantities quant on quant.Size = cs.Size
where YEAR(d.DateStamp) = 2018
group by cs.Size, MONTH(d.DateStamp);

create view TotalSpendings2018 as
select e.CentreID, c.Name, cs.Size , monthname(d.DateStamp) as "Month", sum(e.Cost) as 
"TotalExpense" from Expense e
 left join DateTime d on e.DateTimeID = d.DateTimeID
 join Centre c on c.CentreID = e.CentreID
join CentreSizing cs on c.CentreID = cs.CentreID
where year(d.DateStamp) = 2018
group by month(d.DateStamp), e.CentreID;


select ts.CentreID, ts.Name, ts.Size, ts.Month, avg.AverageExpense
from TotalSpendings2018 ts join AvgSpendings2018 avg on
ts.Size = avg.Size
Group by ts.CentreID, ts.Size, ts.Month;

| CentreID | Name                               | Size   | Month     | AverageExpense 
|        1 | Queen Alexandra Hospital           | Large  | April     |      1490.0000 
|        1 | Queen Alexandra Hospital           | Large  | August    |      1490.0000 
|        1 | Queen Alexandra Hospital           | Large  | December  |      1490.0000 
|        1 | Queen Alexandra Hospital           | Large  | February  |      1490.0000 
|        1 | Queen Alexandra Hospital           | Large  | January   |      1490.0000 
|        1 | Queen Alexandra Hospital           | Large  | July      |      1490.0000 
|        1 | Queen Alexandra Hospital           | Large  | June      |      1490.0000 
|        1 | Queen Alexandra Hospital           | Large  | March     |      1490.0000 
|        1 | Queen Alexandra Hospital           | Large  | May       |      1490.0000 
|        1 | Queen Alexandra Hospital           | Large  | November  |      1490.0000 
|        1 | Queen Alexandra Hospital           | Large  | October   |      1490.0000 
|        1 | Queen Alexandra Hospital           | Large  | September |      1490.0000 
|        2 | Southampton General Hospital       | Large  | April     |      1490.0000 
|        2 | Southampton General Hospital       | Large  | August    |      1490.0000 
|        2 | Southampton General Hospital       | Large  | December  |      1490.0000 
|        2 | Southampton General Hospital       | Large  | February  |      1490.0000 
|        2 | Southampton General Hospital       | Large  | January   |      1490.0000 
|        2 | Southampton General Hospital       | Large  | July      |      1490.0000 
|        2 | Southampton General Hospital       | Large  | June      |      1490.0000 
|        2 | Southampton General Hospital       | Large  | March     |      1490.0000 
|        2 | Southampton General Hospital       | Large  | May       |      1490.0000 
|        2 | Southampton General Hospital       | Large  | November  |      1490.0000 
|        2 | Southampton General Hospital       | Large  | October   |      1490.0000 
|        2 | Southampton General Hospital       | Large  | September |      1490.0000 
|        3 | St Richard's Hospital              | Medium | April     |       445.0000 
|        3 | St Richard's Hospital              | Medium | August    |       445.0000 
|        3 | St Richard's Hospital              | Medium | December  |       445.0000 

标签: mysqlsql


查看 TotalSpendings2018 在 GROUP BY 子句中缺少 c.Name(如果每个中心都有唯一的名称,那应该没问题)。虽然与大多数其他 RDBMS 不同,mysql 允许这样做,但这是容易出错且不是良好的编码习惯。


  • 它实际上在我看来你不需要 GROUP BY,因为没有使用聚合函数(否则:在 GROUP BY 中缺少 ts.Name 和 avg.AverageExpense)
  • 从视图的描述中,我还猜想您缺少“月份”的连接条件,因为此列在两个视图中都可用
  • 为什么不在输出中显示 TotalExpense?我会认为这就是你想要做的(否则,你不需要加入)


    TotalSpendings2018 ts 
    join AvgSpendings2018 avg 
    on ts.Size = avg.Size
    and ts.Month = avg.Month
