首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使特定的预制件在按下按钮时旋转?


我正在设计一个游戏,在我正在设计的当前场景中,大约有 100 个预制件。 在此处输入图像描述


我想做的是当我按下红色按钮时,我想让中间的汽车模型旋转。使用 debug.Log 我明白,当我按下 F(use) 时,我希望该特定对象旋转。


        private void SearchForObject()
            if (!m_ItemCoolDown)
                if (m_Target != null)
                    if (m_Target.tag == m_InteractWithObjectsTag)
                        if (m_WeaponUI != null)
                            m_WeaponUI.ShowPickupMessage("PRESS <color=#FF9200FF>" + m_UseKey + "</color> TO INTERACT WITH THE OBJECT");

                        if (InputManager.GetButtonDown("Use"))

                            Debug.Log("Button pressed");


大约还有 100 个这样的对象,当我走到他们身边时,按 F,我希望它们也旋转..

我在想是创建一个脚本,并将其附加到按钮,并将汽车模型附加到它,如下所示: 在此处输入图像描述

当我按 F 时,我希望脚本转到另一个脚本,抓取特定模型然后旋转。但我不知道该怎么做,有人知道吗?


标签: unity3d





public class ButtonScript : MonoBehaviour
    // The object that should rotate
    public Transform ObjectToTransform;

    // How long it should take to rotate in seconds
    public float RotationDuration = 1;

    // flag for making sure you can start rotating only if not already rotating
    private bool _isRotating;

    public void StartRotating()
        // if already rotating do nothing
        if(_isRotating) return;


    // Rotates the ObjectToTransform 360° around its world up vector
    // in RotationDuration seconds
    private IEnumerator Rotate()
        // set the flag so rotation can not be started multiple times
        _isRotating= true;

        // store the original rotation the target object currently has
        var initialRotation = ObjectToTransform.rotation;

        // we can already calculate the rotation speed in angles / second
        var rotationspeed = 360 / RotationDuration;

        // Rotate the object until the given duration is reached
        var timePassed = 0;    
        while(timePassed < RotationDuration)
            // Time.deltaTime gives you the time passed since the last frame in seconds 
            // So every frame turn the object around world Y axis a little
            ObjectToTransform.Rotate(0, rotationspeed  * Time.deltaTime, 0, Space.World);

            // add the time passed since the last frame to the timePassed            
            timePassed += Time.deltaTime;

            // yield makes the Courutine interupt here so the frame can be rendered 
            // but the it "remembers" at which point it left
            // so in the next frame it goes on executing the code from the next line
            yield return null;

        // Just to be sure we end with a clean rotation reset to the initial rotation in the end
        // since +360°  
        ObjectToTransform.rotation = initialRotation;

        // reset the flag so rotation can be started again
        _isRotating= false;


private void SearchForObject()
    if (!m_ItemCoolDown)
        if (m_Target != null)
            if (m_Target.tag == m_InteractWithObjectsTag)
                if (m_WeaponUI != null)
                    m_WeaponUI.ShowPickupMessage("PRESS <color=#FF9200FF>" + m_UseKey + "</color> TO INTERACT WITH THE OBJECT");

                if (InputManager.GetButtonDown("Use"))
                    Debug.Log("Button pressed");

                    // if m_Target is not the button you'll have to get a reference
                    // to the button somehow


var obj = Initialize(prefab /*, parameters if you have some*/);
// ButtonObject is the reference to your button GameObject
ButtonObject.GetComponent<ButtonScript>().targetObject = obj.transform;
