首页 > 解决方案 > OpenH264 DecodeFrameNoDelay 输出格式


我已经使用 OpenH264 教程 ( https://github.com/cisco/openh264/wiki/UsageExampleForDecoder ) 成功解码了 H264 帧,但我无法从教程中弄清楚输出格式是什么。

我正在使用“unsigned char *pDataResult[3];” (本教程中的 pData),它会被填充,但我需要知道长度才能将其转换为字节缓冲区以将其返回给 java。我还需要知道这些数据的所有权是什么(它似乎归解码器所有)。据我所知,教程或文档中没有提到此信息。

unsigned char *pDataResult[3];
int iRet = pSvcDecoder->DecodeFrameNoDelay(pBuf, iSize, pDataResult, &sDstBufInfo);


//output: [0~2] for Y,U,V buffer for Decoding only
unsigned char *pData[3] =...;

YUV 数据是否为空值终止?

TagSysMemBuffer 有 SBufferInfo 最后一个参数:

typedef struct TagSysMemBuffer {
  int iWidth;                    ///< width of decoded pic for display
  int iHeight;                   ///< height of decoded pic for display
  int iFormat;                   ///< type is "EVideoFormatType"
  int iStride[2];                ///< stride of 2 component
} SSysMEMBuffer;

长度可能在那里,但不清楚。也许每个缓冲区都是“iWidth * iHeight”?

标签: c++copenh264


pData is freed in decoder destructor with WelsFreeDynamicMemory in decoder.cpp, just as you supposed. Decoder itself assign nullptr's to channels, but it's fine to initialize pData with them as a good habit. You have iSize parameter as input, that is the byte buffers length you want.
